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Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?

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1408586 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:32PM

I’d say only one person in that hypothetical (?) scenario wants an affair funguy77!

ExoticOrchid - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:14PM

L&E - 10:51AM

I totally agree.

I'm single BUT I'm not here to cause hurt/trouble for anyone's spouse/partner and definitely do not want to be part of anyone's situation exploding as you say ... I'm beyond careful on everyone's behalf!

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1529050 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:00PM

Funguy77 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 01:43PM

For me I am not here for an emotional friendship... however close it might me, I am here for some great unadulterated fun great sex with a like minded person, with someone who I like and respect and am attracted to, I think if I had been "seeing" them for months without finalising the deal ... then I would cancel the deal....

But in answer to your question, I think emotional connection/friendships would still be consider cheating. For example would it be easier to forgive a ONS or say prostitute situation rather than a long term friendship/affair ....??

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Funguy77 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 01:43PM

Guys thanks as always. Having some fun with this at work lol .

Yip I definitely see it as cheating but not an affair seems quite obvious but some people disagree but hay ho each to our own .

But here’s the twist… what about an emotional connection
What if you have been seeing your IE for months maybe longer you travel distance to see each other but haven’t finalised the deal lol but there a emotional attachment??

I think that ricks the box right sex is the only missing part but intent is there

Any way happy Tuesday x

Pink Eiga - 29 Aug, 2023 - 01:25PM


Not an affair, and neither would an extramarital ONS be one. It would be cheating though, without a shadow if a doubt. At least I’m sure the spouse would think so!

Sailing well close to home here. Personally I do what I do, not because I want to leave my husband, so PDA where there is even a chance of being spotted is out of the question for me. But each to their own 😊

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1408586 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 11:10AM

Funguy77 no I wouldn’t consider that an affair. Is it cheating though? Yes I guess. Would a spouse consider it an affair… possibly. Going on a date and kissing someone is risking divorce if found out imho 🤷‍♀️

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Legs&Eyes - 29 Aug, 2023 - 10:51AM

Sandypops - 29 Aug, 2023 - 02:51AM

Agree with Dotty G, Sandy... you are taking massive risks.... what if she had said it in front of your daughter? What if she did see you in the lift / carpark in kissing-mode? You actually don't know if she did... and the thing is - she'll tell someone else, without a shadow of a doubt... It's good gossip!

And I think this is the guy who was trying out another lady wasnt he... then he picked her?
I know we are all different - your level of risk is clearly high.. so I'd just say I hope your Plan B and Plan C are in place in case it blows up....
it would terrify me, and I'm single! But I dont want someone else's situation to explode, so either way those risks arent for me....
But each to their own...

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ExoticOrchid - 29 Aug, 2023 - 10:25AM

Like Dotty, I never ever do PDAs and it's my IE who makes the 200% effort and travels to my area ... unless it suits me to be down in London to shop or coincide with meeting real life friends either before or after the IE meet.

1529050 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 09:37AM

Funguy77 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 09:33AM
Nope - agree with you - it is a kiss - not an affair - could it lead to an affair well yes if it is good!

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1529050 - 29 Aug, 2023 - 09:36AM

I was thinking about the long distance meets, another thing why it would not work for me (and I appreciate it does work for some)is that for me it would take so much planning, and would I end up seeing a lover who lived 100 miles away as much as I see a lover who lives/works in the same City. I get messages, lets meet for lunch today or are your free for a drink of the way home,or shall we try and meet next week, for me someone who is London or Home Counties way just works.
Sandypops - wow - that is a huge risk, and one I would not personally take unless you or him were looking for an exit strategy. I think for me the sexy/naughty thing is not being all over each other in public, the little glances, the flirty chat, the odd brush. We bumped into clients of one of my IEs in the pub, we got papers out and poured over them as if we were working together. I always have the excuse of someone I know through work or Politics or old friends depending who we bumped into, but I think I would steer clear of my doorste

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