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You say it best when you say ……

Nothing at all for some. For others, words make or break the loving feeling. What are some of the things that our lovers say that turns us on / off?

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Comments (64)

Gentle Man Jim - 18 Aug, 2023 - 07:15PM

Some of the things a lover says that turn me off:
- is that it?
-was that it?
-do you have a glass I can put my teeth in?

Other than that I reckon I can cope with anything (other than uncontrolled laughter]

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Funguy77 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 06:54PM

Spoke too soon they just posted it lol 😂

Thank you and apologies for the authors of the posts I used to create xx

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Pink Eiga - 18 Aug, 2023 - 06:44PM

Dotty Green - 18 Aug, 2023 - 10:36AM

Nothing worse for me than being called a girl, even if my demeanour around him might be girlish. I would never call my man a boy. He is my beautiful, delicious man. This is a game for adults, not teenagers.

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Sandypops - 18 Aug, 2023 - 06:18PM

Turn ons
Good kissing (Not sloppy and shoving your tongue down my throat as far as you can)
Going on a date with no knickers on and telling the man when he can't do anything about it
Light touch on naked skin
Kissing my neck
Whispering what you're going to do to me
Playing with my feet (sorry feet phobes 😂
Did I mention kissing? 😊

Turn offs (in no particular order)
Wet, sloppy kissing and shoving your tongue down my throat as far as you can
Bad hygiene
Bad teeth/breath

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laugar164 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 04:06PM

You are with the wrong woman. If she has to take her nickers off 😈😉

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Funguy77 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 03:31PM

Part 3

Caught in a light rain shower, she brushed wet tendrils of hair from her face, the raindrops mirroring the tears of joy in her eyes. He gently wiped away a raindrop from her cheek, his touch an unspoken promise of protection and devotion.

In contrast, one evening, exhaustion overtook him, and he yawned with a chuckle. "I think I'm a bit sleepy today, baby," he confessed with a sheepish grin. They shared a laugh, knowing that even in moments of weariness, their connection remained unshakable.

Their love story was one of stolen glances, whispered promises, and shared dreams. A tale woven from the threads of ordinary moments, where love bloomed like wildflowers in unexpected places, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and forever intertwining their hearts.

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Funguy77 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 03:31PM

Part 2

As the evening unfolded, their conversation flowed effortlessly, and they discovered their shared appreciation for the art of kissing. "You know," he remarked softly, "kissing is truly a dance of souls, a symphony of connection. When done right, it's like two hearts speaking a language only they understand."

Nodding in agreement, she recalled moments when a single kiss had ignited a fire within her, while discussing how the subtlety of a touch could convey more than words ever could. It was in these discussions that their bond deepened further, each word a brushstroke on the canvas of their blossoming love story.

Days later, they found themselves walking hand in hand through a dense forest, the trees providing a natural curtain of privacy. Amongst the whispering leaves and dappled sunlight, they shared stolen moments of affection, their love as wild and untamed as the woods around them.

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Funguy77 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 03:30PM

Part 1

In a quaint restaurant bathed in soft candlelight, as the sweet aroma of dessert lingered in the air, he leaned in close to her ear. "Darling," he whispered with a mischievous smile, "would you accompany me to the ladies' powder room for a moment?"

Curiosity twinkled in her eyes as she nodded, intrigued by the request. Little did she know, he had a surprise planned that would deepen their connection. In the discreet privacy of the powder room, their gazes locked, and he gently peeled off her knickers, a tender act that spoke volumes of his affection. Returning to their table with her delicate knickers in hand, he presented them with a warm smile. "For you," he murmured, his eyes conveying a secret understanding that only they shared. She blushed, touched by his playful gesture, and the napkin before her was now imbued with a newfound intimacy.

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Funguy77 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 03:11PM

Some of throat like fifty shades lol ok my turn give me ten minutes to work out an original piece of work x

ritz667 - 18 Aug, 2023 - 01:15PM

Whisper to her before dessert in a restaurant to go to the ladies powder room, peel her knickers off, bring them back to the table and hand them to me for use as a napkin x

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