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I'm wary of profiles that say they are looking for 'casual'. My interpretation of 'casual' is seeing someone once in a blue moon, no relationship external of a bedroom, and being messaged whenever they feel they need sex. Sometimes you read the rest of a profile and they are looking for one person and want a meaningful affair. What gives?

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Comments (101)

laugar164 - 25 Aug, 2024 - 09:06AM

Paula 99

I have just removed casual from my profile as that's not what I am after, maybe I might have some luck 🍀 now 😂

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RobDLon - 25 Aug, 2024 - 09:01AM

Casual means indifferent, offhand, not regular. In the context of ‘dating’ that means no feelings for the other person just the act and implies that it is not exclusive, though it might be. It’s ambiguous in my opinion. Probably why there is a topic on it. Enjoy your Sunday!

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Paula99 - 25 Aug, 2024 - 08:27AM

Casual can be misleading at times and I have said before ..we all perceive it in a different light..

For me …it describes a person that wants to try IE but is not willing to put in the effort ..quite happy to take it or leave it because after all we can do these things 🙄

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1694776 - 24 Aug, 2024 - 10:50PM

Casual imo has always been just that. No commitment just Fwb

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Pixie1177 - 24 Aug, 2024 - 12:25AM

Communication is key, check you both have the same understanding.

Parrot-Fish - 23 Aug, 2024 - 09:39PM

Hi noob here.

I've been reading the posts and as there doesn't seem to be much concensus on 'casual' I've removed it from my profile to avoid any ambiguity.

Down in the rural SW, I need any advantage I can get!

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EmnEm123 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 06:15PM

No, a ONS is a ONS (the clue is in the name).

Casual is meeting a person now and again when it suits both parties, this doesn't mean that you're meeting multiple people.

I saw someone from here for six months. We met max once per week, weren't contacting each other constantly, we had no need, we both knew where we stood.

That's what I class as casual.

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leggysheila - 23 Aug, 2024 - 03:01PM

I class casual as a one night stand x ❤️ I cannot see how you can have a casual relationship

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Kinky1973 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 11:44AM

For me if someone puts casual I then check out their profile in more detail for clues. It can be interpreted in many ways and that’s the risk of using that word.

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Funguy77 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 11:36AM

Paula99 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 07:48AM

lol So Paula are you saying I don’t have a chance because my profile is creative and unique? 😂

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