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What do we really disclose?

Meeting a new person is always exciting. However most of us are meeting illicitly. What are your boundaries when disclosing personal details? Do we reveal our full names, places of work, give details about our family? What type of information are you willing to share? How much is too much?

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Comments (53)

Paula99 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 03:56PM


Fantasy is always better 😉

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Pink Eiga - 21 Oct, 2023 - 02:52PM

Bobbie100+ - 21 Oct, 2023 - 12:36PM

Agree. Anybody who knows what they’re doing will understand the need for people to warm up in their own time and not badger on about personal details until a firm and trusted connection is made. The pushier people are, the more I withdraw. And then I get told I’m hard work 😏

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1575033 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 12:47PM

I did offer my passport and driving licence to a very early IE first meeting but they were declined with the comment, "no need , thoughtful of you but I can use my own judgement",
we met for a couple of years until circumstances changed.

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1575033 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 12:36PM

What happens on IE should stay on IE,
Personal details, avoid precise details i.e ( no pun intended ) home address and surname
until real trust established and then only if relevant.
Any proper IE and all this kind of thing is easy.

Sandypops - 21 Oct, 2023 - 11:54AM

I'm def far too open and trustworthy. I'm trying to be less so as I'm well known in the line of business I run (which brings me into contact with a lot of the public) and my name has an unusual spelling, to make things harder.

My last ie (who I'm still in contact with) gave his pw to a lady (he didn't see her pics) and a week ago she told his wife as they were friends 🤦🏻‍♀️ that's scary. He's not been on ie for 4montbs and the woman has only just disclosed this to his wife as she had to admit she was on her! Hypocrisy at its worst 🤬

I'm very chatty and nosey but completely trustworthy (yes I know 😂) but each of us only disclose what we are comfortable with.

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1630074 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 09:31AM

Definitely like to stay anonymous, not through lack of trust but more so the excitement of chatting and meeting a complete stranger and being intimate with someone whose name you don’t even know! That’s very hot…

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LadyDe - 21 Oct, 2023 - 09:04AM

Having said that surely the point of an affair is not to discuss family etc because it’s to get AWAY from that, escapism, I don’t want to talk about my stuff I want it to just be about the moment and us ….. but as I said earlier if asked I would never lie …

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Monicas55 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 07:39AM

Always honest.

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Paula99 - 21 Oct, 2023 - 06:15AM

When you are in a long-standing relationship/family/kids then you are a natural protector and you hold that dear in your heart and that applies to anyone you meet in work /general life ..
When you get into an affair then your natural thing is to ‘protect ‘ what you have got as affairs impact on your all parts of your life..if anyone tells me you can enter an affair with NSA then they are delusional…

You only share what you need them to know in the early stages of your relationship and if they have any sense they will apply the same principles..
As your relationship gets stronger and you feel comfortable then you automatically share small parts of your life aka ….I had a shit day today/got a flat tyre blah blah blah…
Only when you have a long term affair and you trust the OP wholly and equally then you tend to reveal all but that takes a very special person ….😉

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LadyDe - 20 Oct, 2023 - 11:47PM

I’m way too honest for my own good … but like Jim Carey in Liar Liar …. But equally if not asked I don’t say

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