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What is the secret ?

I am new here so I’m still learning the rules of the game. How ever I would
love to know the secret to getting a response to an initial message.
Looking at my in box it’s a sad collection of unanswered messages!

Hopefully the ladies can help ? What do you like to receive - short and to
the point or a bit of an essay? Pushy or reserved ?
Alternatively what do you look for in a profile ?

Then again it could just be me and the world is telling me something -
along the lines of - this is not the place for you !!

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Comments (42)

Lemon80 - 12 Mar, 2024 - 12:04PM

It’s a bit of a minefield isn’t it. What doesn’t help are the blokes that mess around and send those pics!!! Which naturally will put anyone on the back foot slightly. But that aside, people do have lives outside of this and probably don’t come in here that much or find time to reply straight away. Sometimes I’ll open a message and won’t respond for a while because of current circumstances. So it could be that.

The right person will come along eventually. Just stay honest and true to yourself is all I would probably say.

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Sandypops - 12 Mar, 2024 - 02:08AM

Personally, I don't want a man to second guess what he thinks I'd like to be sent as a first message. Just be yourself and say what you'd like to say. That being said, a reference to something in my profile goes a long way to catching my attention. It shows you've actually read it. But I do appreciate how soul destroying it must be, to send lots of personalised messages just to be ignored.
That probably doesn't help at all so good luck

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Legs&Eyes - 11 Mar, 2024 - 09:27PM

BraGirl - 10 Mar, 2024 - 03:40PM

Yes, happened to me last year. Was the freakiest f**king thing to see my words, written in exactly the same way on a man's profile - who'd messaged and complimented me on my profile but didn't tell me he'd copied and pasted it onto his until I looked!!!

Total weirdo!

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1575033 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 08:48PM

If its any consolation I have met two long term IEs over the last 10 years, but on this occasion, maybe due to my honest age no, no luck, although I do speculate that at this time the just one woman I need is not here and frankly I am looking forward in a way to my membership expiring, auto re charge already cancelled.

Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 08:15PM


If you are meant to be together then you will make it work …not sure I could have done that ..my children came first and I didn’t want mine to become another 2 parents 2 homes scenario…but it dosen’t mean that I am correct ..it’s old school ❤️

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1596886 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 04:32PM

Paula 99: yes there are some children, mine are grown-up but hers are still in school

1651269 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 03:29PM

Have you checked alerts to see if your messages have even been read. If not try focussing on whose online. If your messages are being read but your profile not being viewed then take a look at what you sending. Have you carefully read her profile and responded personally? If you find you are getting your profile looked at but no response then take a look at your profile. Needs to be honest and with some charm and interest. Don’t sound needy. Good luck.

Paula99 - 11 Mar, 2024 - 05:25AM

Short n simple works for me …

There is no need to go around the houses…..

Less is more …

Some guys can type a copy n paste profile and when you meet them they can’t hold a conversation…stop working at home all day everyday..go into the office and get some interaction with normal humans..😕

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BraGirl - 10 Mar, 2024 - 03:40PM

Advice? If a man don't copy 80% of a woman's profile to write yours, then message the said woman saying how intelligent and suitable for her you are inviting her to read her own profile as yours, and it just happened to me. 😃

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1649102 - 10 Mar, 2024 - 12:11PM

I’m also new, just paid my membership today. I’m looking to find someone not too far away from me also looking for a fwb

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