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Advice for my first affair

I’m looking to have an affair to experiment with sex.
I love my husband and we definitely “make love” when we have sex but he’s never been the experimental type. I’m getting on in my age and want to see what else is out there and do something for me. I feel like it’s my last chance. I’ve come to illicitencounters but not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice for me? What should I be looking for and what should I try first?

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Comments (83)

James3421 - 25 Mar, 2024 - 07:58PM

I agree an affair should be exciting and once you have the right ie you can progress and experiment , many here are content with just good sex and that's often more than enough , many like you seek more and I have enjoyed two very different ie partners here from mild to wild , good luck

Cooperman56 - 24 Mar, 2024 - 10:26PM

Just remember that there are other people who feel like you. We're not all predators. X

Polycarbonate - 23 Mar, 2024 - 12:43PM

Folks! There isn't time. She's run out of it.

1447655 - 23 Mar, 2024 - 09:09AM

The idea of going into this with a list is too prescriptive. My advice is to go with the flow to truly find your sexual palate. Look for someone with a bit of kink experience, but who doesn't want to make you into their whatever. Someone who gets a kick out of watching you discover your sexual self with them. Another thing - Being sexually compatible isn't like being compatible in other ways (although it does help if you become good friends). Sexual partners are not friends or boyfriends or husbands, you don't necessarily need to have stuff in common. When you find someone you can explore what you find deeply erotic, who let's you find yourself sexually, it really is amazing and worth looking after.

It's great that you still have marital sex and that you say you 'make love'. You're a very lucky woman. I don't even know if I have the faculty for that, but perhaps that's another adventure...

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Enigma.. - 23 Mar, 2024 - 08:15AM

What I’m wondering is this? 🤔.
So you wish to have an affair to expand, perhaps improve, your sex life?
Supposing you find new positions, start experimenting with toys etc etc…
What then?
Surely your new “experiences” will have to stay in the “hotel bedroom”.
Wouldn’t your husband become suspicious if you were to start suggesting new positions etc… If he has resisted change, so far, why would he change his mind now.
Perhaps you should think this through before embarking on an affair which, yes, you could get sexual satisfaction from but…

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1656615 - 22 Mar, 2024 - 07:04PM

Hi there. Just had a read and wondered . Are you wanting to try different thing .s and experiment in sexual things of what you want to try or what you hear others are doing and think you would like to try. As its two different things . Not everyone likes the same . So think about it dont just jump in as you might regret it later on .

smartypants12345 - 22 Mar, 2024 - 10:37AM

Never your last chance… take a bit of time and work out what you’re looking for.

Nick 66 - 22 Mar, 2024 - 10:30AM

I’m in a similar situation and don’t have a clue how to play games . I often find being straight forward and direct gets me into all sort of bother , maybe I’ll be direct with my neighbour instead , But I’m not looking for a man!!!!

Glasshalffull - 22 Mar, 2024 - 09:48AM

I fully understand the need to go out and find what is missing, it does not mean you love your husband any less but life is for living , adventure and fun. if you have decided to have an affair then go for it life too short to wonder.

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1649649 - 22 Mar, 2024 - 09:28AM

Become acquainted/reacquainted with yourself. Play until your heart's content with or without tools! Explore your senses - mind, body and soul, in and out the bedroom.

Develop a sense of what you need and you'll be in a position to know what you want. You're literally the gateway to your own pleasure.

An ie will amplify, diminish or simply do nothing for you predicated on your levels of self awareness.

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