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Hi, I'm hoping to get some advice from the more established bored members
on messaging technique and etiquette.
So, I'm a relative newcomer but have discovered my messaging technique is
letting me down, I can't quite work where to pitch it.

I'm trying to engage and hold the conversation but am then told my messages
are too long and winded. That they need to be shorter, punchier because
who's got time to read that plus of course someone maybe looking over your

Valid points, but surely a pithy two sentence reply/comment is hardly going
to maintain interest or engagement (unless you're Charles Dickens or Oscar

Most ladies on here seem to want a man crossed with the genes of Michael
MacIntyre and Jack Dee. We strive but it's difficult to get that over in a
few words.

So what's the secret?

I'm looking to you guys to offer up the elixir of smooth, easy going chat,
laced with humour and warmth in just a few words 😎

Oh and btw if anyone fancies practicing it with me I'm a willing pupil 😂


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Comments (24)

Paula99 - 26 Jun, 2024 - 01:50PM

This is a chat forum to discuss certain topics…not a chat bizarre

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Pioneer50 - 26 Jun, 2024 - 01:47PM


1660660 - 26 Jun, 2024 - 12:59PM

I can’t say I have been successful yet, but I have had a few really great conversations and also made a few friends who I can talk to about being on here.

What I have found is that long initial messages are time consuming and didn’t work for me in starting conversations that flowed.
Shorter ones relevant to the profile have been more successful- a little like having a witty exchange with the points in the profile and asking an open ended question.

Well said @boav91 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 11:37PM
I shortened my profile, but mainly by making it into phrases rather than sentences. It hasn’t changed the interest level or response rate but I think it is easier because it’s not a wall of text now (hint hint, ladies. Any feedback appreciated 🙂)

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R Deckard - 26 Jun, 2024 - 08:24AM

* I avoid those with an obvious writing impediment (one liner profiles, "I don't know what to say here", etc) because writing correlates highly with other traits that matter to me
* I write a short message tied to something they say in their profile, trying to be original and witty (I stress the word "trying")
* I have a picture that says the naked truth about me
* I let my profile show my broader personality

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boav91 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 11:37PM

You know what I think it depends who you talk to. My profile use to be long and then I was advised to shorten it. I did that and found it attracted less interest than when it was long!!. you cant win!

I took the same approach to replying to people, looking at their profiles and trying to use that as a way to say hello and begin a conversation. Some replied, many did not. I think the thing I found was you have to be yourself. Make someone smile and show a sense of humour and not being too serious but also being honest helps. Not too honest though, we dont want to hear it all now. Not quite yet anyway!!

I am coming at it from a mans perspective who has has both good and awful connections on here. Trying to be something you are not and being fake I think is the thing that gets found out very quickly.

For the women if you give the Man a chance and have a chat, not just a reply once a week, I think you may get more out of the other person, especially the genuine ones .

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Paula99 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 03:59PM

Not everyone can message …it’s like creative writing… unless you have been doing it for a long time…the idea is to convey your personality through the message but text is flat and misconstrued easily…
Maybe the answer is to exchange a few messages and chat over the phone so you can get a ‘feel for each other’
Unfortunately IE is just the introduction stage and messaging is too slow so you need to move to another platform..
The key is to chat about the normal daily stuff like a couple of mates and communicate everyday up to the point you are meeting ….you don’t need to be engaging in sext until you really know each other…this will hopefully make your relationship last longer …you have to keep things interesting and unfortunately sex chat just gets boring 🥱….

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Pink Eiga - 25 Jun, 2024 - 02:40PM

I think the OP’s question is less about what a profile should be like and more about messaging technique.

I’d say no hard and fast rules. Some people like short and sharp, others like novel-length rehash of their life stories. Personally I have engaged in and enjoyed both styles.

I think what is more important is not so much the length of messages, but ability to listen and pick out what is relevant and be able to give a response that teases the mind and solicits a reply. Voila! A conversation ensues.

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Paula99 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 01:17PM

Not sure why this post is relevant..as no one reads your profile half the time..but some words of wisdom 🤔

Don’t use the profile wizard..

Don’t write an essay …

You are not applying for a job ..

Keep it short n sweet but to the point …we don’t need to know how much you earn or how big your cock is..or how many times a week you live at the gym ..

We want to hear the REAL you when we read your profile..

Happy typing

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Legs&Eyes - 25 Jun, 2024 - 12:54PM

I had great messages today with someone.
First message was about 4 things in my profile… 3 observations of things he liked and one funny story about the 4th thing…

That got my attention. He’d read my profile and engaged on that basis. And said ‘so many things to choose from’…
And there is! So when guys send me war and peace that’s non relevant, or a one-liner with no effort - I don’t respond.

But there’s a balance to be had - I like profile-readers who can be engaging and but witty from the off!

But importantly - all the ladies are different. There is no magic formula!

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1408586 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 12:42PM

If you enjoy writing long messages then you will click with someone that does too? I think a relative match in messaging style/preference is important personally

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