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Are all men designed to cheat?

The recent public revelations about Tommy Fury's infidelity have sparked widespread conversation.
Most people would say she's pretty perfect so why should he feel the need to cheat?  Would you agree that no matter how great a woman is a man will still cheat as it's in his DNA?

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Comments (42)

AsianGent1986 - 30 Aug, 2024 - 12:55AM

Not all men cheat. Not all men want to cheat. Not all men have the stomach for it, even if they have the physical appetite/temptation to do you. But, present a man with a magic button that he could hit that would remove all the potential negative consequences of cheating for himself and more than likely, he’s hitting it.

AsianGent1986 - 29 Aug, 2024 - 06:22PM

Not all men will cheat, even if they could the guilt would wrack a lot.

However give a man a button that would mean he could cheat without anyone finding out, no negative societal judgement, no consequence, no guilt… 99/100 men will hit that button (margin of error on this stat is 1%).

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Scousejack - 25 Aug, 2024 - 10:49PM

You may have a good looking partner but it escapism from the mundane home life . That’s why we’re all on here .

Chopper197 - 24 Aug, 2024 - 01:57PM

Personally what some people have is never enough we always want more . Most people cheat at some point some would class just txting bad enough. Also you could have all the looks in the world but be a right arse and drive someone to cheat. It’s happened since the day dot and isn’t going to stop

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Notts2024 - 22 Aug, 2024 - 12:17AM

If people were truly happy in a relationship then they wouldn't cheat.

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EmnEm123 - 21 Aug, 2024 - 12:42PM

I don't think it's in a man's DNA to cheat and even if it is, wanting to cheat and getting the opportunity is two different things!

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Doubleohseven - 21 Aug, 2024 - 09:20AM

Everyone can have their opinion, but the facts are unequivocal. Adultery is, by all known studies and common sense metrics (including the IE ones) a strictly minority sport. And quite balanced across sexes - as one would expect, for a number of different reasons.

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leggysheila - 21 Aug, 2024 - 07:49AM

And women x

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*John* - 20 Aug, 2024 - 09:45PM

Men aren’t designed, of course, but I’d suggest that it is natural for men to want to have sex with more than one woman.

I’m not sure how many ladies know and can comprehend this. More on IE than elsewhere, I expect, but not many ladies in general.

JamesJack - 19 Aug, 2024 - 11:44AM

No idea who Mr Fury is, but I would suggest that desire is something anyone can experience unconsciously, but cheating is a conscious choice. Everyone, men, women and in-betweens, draws their own lines as to whether or how much to act on a feeling of desire, for their own reasons. That’s why flirting is so stimulating, you’re exploring and they’re exploring, and there may not even be any words exchanged at all. It can all be exchanged in the eyes and felt in the body. I think that’s what some women mean by ‘butterflies’. Anyone care to enlighten me if that is your experience or not?

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