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Wildest excuses you’ve told to avoid getting caught…

I’ve had my fair share of nerve-wracking moments over the years when I’ve had to think on my feet to keep my affair under wraps, and it got me thinking… I can’t be the only one, right?What’s the most creative excuse you’ve used, or the closest call you’ve had, to keep your secret safe?For me, I once had to fake a car breakdown to explain why I was “running late” coming home. Nearly got caught, but it worked! :sweat_smile:

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Comments (29)

ExoticOrchid - 24 Aug, 2024 - 12:55AM

Hey boys ;-) - 02:06PM

So I'm interested to know ... looking back, was your night away worth all that subsequent travel hassle???

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Hey boys ;-) - 23 Aug, 2024 - 02:06PM

A longgggg time ago I agreed to a night away at Donnington races. I live 3 hours away. I said I was doing a late shift sleep in and a early. It's rained all day and night and I didn't get out of the venue in time to catch my train. I got to a taxi rank and paid for a taxi home (3 hours!) I was totally soaked when I got in and all I could say was "don't ask!

Pink Eiga - 23 Aug, 2024 - 12:01PM

Justforfun890 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 11:32AM

This. I am always in the area of where I say I will be. Plus @ExoticOrchid’s comment. Always answer work and family calls, even if you’re doing something with your IE, no matter how important that might seem to be.

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Kinky1973 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 11:41AM

Hi everyone

I have invented a night shift at work to excuse me or a business trip to see a customer. Both worked


Justforfun890 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 11:32AM

My simple rule is always be where you are supposed to be. So if you’re meeting in a hotel then that’s where il be having a business meeting. Hugely simplifies things like travel time etc.

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ExoticOrchid - 23 Aug, 2024 - 12:02AM

That's why I always insist they answer if it's a personal call and make myself scarce during the call.

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1408586 - 22 Aug, 2024 - 07:20PM

A few years ago, the wife of a guy I was spending an afternoon in a hotel with was worried that he wasn’t answering his phone… so she called him at work to check he was ok. When we had finished he had lots of missed calls and messages from both his wife and work 🙈 he looked rather pale!

He messaged me afterwards to tell me all was ok, and he’d told her he’d decided to go to one of those indoor skiing places that afternoon. I’ve still no idea why that was his excuse but it still makes me laugh!

Unsurprisingly we never met up again!

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marklondonengland - 22 Aug, 2024 - 07:14PM

I once had an IE in London who originally contacted me because she guessed (correctly) that I lived near to her kids school. Now and again the kids were late leaving school because of "extra-curricular activities"

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Paula99 - 22 Aug, 2024 - 05:49PM

I have never had to do that ….being over an hours journey away is too much risk for me …family could be ill … your car could break down….car pile up on the motorway….how do you explain it ?

Always calculate the risk …its worked for me 😁

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