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Is monogamy unnatural?

I tried to be faithful, for a long time. However, I always, always had the feeling I needed to see more than one person. I used to think that there was something wrong with me, but now I'm certain that it is monogamy that is unnatural.

Agree or disagree?

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Comments (224)

1651227 - 26 Feb, 2024 - 07:17AM

Different strokes for different folks, I think. But certainly, for me, monogamy is unnatural af

Like you, I tried and tried. Nothing worked, and now I've finally given up I feel *so* much better. A new world had opened up, bring it on.

Dudes, Google ENM. If you're in a healthy relationship and want more, it could be the way to go.

1650790 - 25 Feb, 2024 - 11:34PM

It is for me. I’ve had affairs fairly consistently throughout my marriage. I used to beat myself up for it but now I think I’m just wired differently.

Life is a beach - 17 Feb, 2024 - 10:44PM

Most of us are here because there is something missing in our relationship, therefore, monogamy is not the rule.
We are all allowed to be happy, therefore in my opinion there is nothing wrong with having that person who can complete you.
I only joined this site last year with curiosity, not sure what I was doing 😅, only to find someone who is my only other. Does that count as monogamy? Probably not 😂

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on and on - 13 Feb, 2024 - 06:36AM

Being brutal, it’s a numbers game.

The odds of finding “the one” are astronomical
So it’s a case of either compromise, or keep trying new partners.

But we are also endorphin junkies, and affairs set them racing 😈

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Amandi1712 - 11 Feb, 2024 - 10:34PM

We all want to be seen as attractive and to be attracted to others. Unfortunately marriage creates complacency, bitterness and limiting. If you get the right person to have an affair with then both can work hand in hand. I have been in and out of extra marital relationships. They all ended on good terms for various reasons. Each one is different, but each one is exciting, provides light everyday and most importantly gives you your self worth back. Just to give emotional and physically to someone new is just wonderful.

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Heathcliffe007 - 11 Feb, 2024 - 04:46PM

I agree I,ve been married 45 years and always there is that need for spicey interaction outside the marriage,discression is the key,and separate sex and passion from falling in love 🌹

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1647898 - 11 Feb, 2024 - 02:57PM

It’s natural or unnatural is subjective.
All I know is do what your heart & mind says.
Polygamy has been into the civilisation since centuries. And it’s perfectly natural to feel polygamous. I have the same urges and I take my chances. So did my ex when she chose infertility and I found out.

Marlen - 08 Feb, 2024 - 10:05PM

@LadyDe, I didn't think you liked rough play; I'll bear that in mind for the future
@Paula99, I'll take it as a compliment. I can be quite good at mangling words, amongst other things🤣.
As regards aging, I don't fancy my chances here in my dotage, if I'm struggling in my prime now, not unless 'grab an old git' becomes a thing....a 2050 update on the horrendous 'pull a pig' of bygone years.

Back to monogamy, I'm curious to know, if in polygamous relationships and those cultures that allow multiple partners, if 'secret affairs' exist?
Is non-monogamy only attractive when it's illicit? Are men and women equally complicit in their desire to cheat? Does it transcend class groups? More or less prevalent today, than say before the advent of the contraceptive pill?

1456357 - 08 Feb, 2024 - 09:59PM

I agree that monogamy is not normal. How can we expect two people who marry at a young age and live happily ever after without extra marital affairs. It's just not normal, full stop.

Celtic Adoration - 08 Feb, 2024 - 01:53PM

I think that if we looked back over the course of human history, I would suspect that there is little evidence of real monogamous cultures. Nature or nurture?

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