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The 'go to' friend

Does anyone else have a 'go to' friend they always name drop when seeing their IE lol? My partner thinks Debra from accounting has become my best friend in the world now 🙈😇😆

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Comments (65)

Pink Eiga - 01 Mar, 2024 - 03:46PM

The only people who know a little of what I get up to in my extracurricular life are people who read this forum. And the gentleman I meet, of course 😊

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laugar164 - 01 Mar, 2024 - 09:08AM

I had one long term affair several years
And the only person who new was the lady I was with lol tell no one as some people can't keep secrets
If no one knows then no one can try and cause trouble which could lead to the break up of your relationship

Remember we are here to have fun and find that elusive partner who wants the same no one else needs to know

Enigma.. - 29 Feb, 2024 - 03:18PM

All I’m going to say on the matter is this…
Personally I’d keep an affair between myself and the person I’m involved with quite.
Talk to nobody and trust nobody.
Unfortunately others talk.
And it all leads to 💥.
I’ve not experienced the 💥 but I do believe others have/or are suffering the consequences. 😕

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ExoticOrchid - 28 Feb, 2024 - 09:26PM

HS24 - 08:43PM

Well in that case you ALL deserve each other ... like begets like!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Paula99 - 28 Feb, 2024 - 08:49PM

In the case of HS 24 …

They were both wrong and they behaved irresponsibly…yes she had an affair …yes the husband wanted to get his head around it but they both contributed to blaming the friend and in all fairness to HS24 ..she did the right thing by deciding to not discuss it with the husband because in reality he should have been talking to his wife about it…in in fact they made her solely responsible…..

The moral of this story is …we all look for someone/ something to blame and we all deal with grief in different ways ..

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1642853 - 28 Feb, 2024 - 08:43PM

EO...ID I'd actually appreciate him not being anything when I'm picking my young daughter up from primary school and he's there picking up his. Yeah. He is surley. He was before she cheated in him. Maybe part of why someone else was preferable to her frankly. Yeah, he's SURLY! Hes a surly man.

giggly hamster - 28 Feb, 2024 - 08:18PM

It was clumsy and a panic move of desperation on her part.

And now she's destroyed both the men involved.

HS24, don't be pining for this woman. mourn the friendship compromised with her other half.

It's easy to put on a rose magenta pair of glasses and think her shit doesn't smell, If he loves her she'll repair that relationship and then it's rinse and repeat. You and him however - gone.

Well gone until the point that he catches her playing away again and wants someone to talk to about it to make sense of it all. that's my prediction anyhoo.

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giggly hamster - 28 Feb, 2024 - 08:13PM

I'd have to agree EO, to her husband someone who was supposed to be a firend, or he had in trust knew that his wife was seeing someone else and chose to keep his mouth shut. Surly is probably quite a kind way of putting it.

So as I understand it..
She came clean and told him you'd known all along.
You then get thrown under the bus "Oh it wasn't just me, he knew all along"
So he wanted to talk to get stuff clear probably. "I need to hear his side of the story as why should i trust you"
You tell him no, you don't want to be a part of it, even though you are whether you like it or not.

He doesn't speak to you again.

She wont speak to you again

And you're pining for her, and thinking he's being a bit unreasonable,

Turn that mess up to eleventyone and I've been there.
He's the innocent that got dragged into something that he should never have known about.
She knew what she was doing when she tried to palm off some of the responsibility on you.

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ExoticOrchid - 28 Feb, 2024 - 06:12PM

HS24 - 04:12PM

Your friend was totally in the wrong to take you down with her ... obviously not a true friend to you and was just using you.

However, to call her husband "surly" is a bit much ... how's he suppose to be towards you ... shower you with thanks for letting his wife use you? If you were in his place wouldn't you be the same too? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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1645560 - 28 Feb, 2024 - 02:10PM

Totally agree Paula99, trust nobody and why burden others anyway. Build your own space is the "safer" option

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