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Light at the end of the tunnel

Finally there is a light - anyone else have a very important 'appointment' planned for the 4th July?

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Comments (84)

ClassyLady77 - 09 Jul, 2020 - 10:14AM

Ooh yes.. thinking of going into office soon.. πŸ˜‰

Need to escape (aka day off for ME) and now roles reversed In my house. Hubby can look after the kids all day... πŸ˜€

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1397217 - 08 Jul, 2020 - 07:25AM

Morning all, any ladies around South or southwest of London, untreated in meeting

Spacehopper1968 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 11:45PM

Very important appointment with my hair stylist on Friday.

tea_coffee_me_ - 07 Jul, 2020 - 09:18PM

"Costa121 -
And if you get Covid 19 will you confess as to whom you have been near ?"

You mean IF you catch it (if you have not already) and ill, and are tested for it and or end up in hospital?
Of our wider circle. One wife had it prior to house arrest for a long time, (recently test confirmed) husband nursed her etc (and I am sure did other things prior to being ill).
He was tested and negative.
Of our group a few were very ill pre house arrest and time off where have not done so for years.
Tested recently negative.
Another wife had it (test confirmed) only a temperature over night, husband no ill effects.

Interestingly over the years I have had many colds, I have warned an IE and asked if they still wished to meet. NEVER have any declined, none have had colds afterwards.
No thanks, I would NOT pass on any details...

My children have been ill over the years, occasionally asked to list where, who, what eaten, they have expected us to remember this 2 weeks prior to the illness!

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1387952 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 09:08PM

Costa121 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 09:01PM
"And if you get Covid 19 will you confess as to whom you have been near ?"

Don't be silly, you can catch that off door handles etc like any virus - even if you've not left the house you could get it from the food delivery. Plenty of excuses.

I'm sure the other half doesn't look at you in some accusatory light when you've previously caught flu or a cold.

Now catching an STI/STD, that's when you've really got explaining to do haha

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Costa121 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 09:01PM

And if you get Covid 19 will you confess as to whom you have been near ?

PecanPie - 06 Jul, 2020 - 01:25AM

tea_coffee_me_ - 01 Jul, 2020 - 10:41AM

"Happygent37 - Hi all anyone interested in seeing a guy based on Scotland?"

Depends if your passport allow you into England? ;-)
... and back again?

Hahaha, good one !

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longest days stolen nights - 02 Jul, 2020 - 05:03PM

...she had waited so long for an easement- even the word made her giggle at its suggestion. God how she needed an easement! She had survived lockdown with the help of a handful of IE suitors.Their messages had perked her up in her low moments, kindled some muck lacking excitement and given her a glimmer of sensual hope....But now it was time to make some choices, decide whos offer to accept_ or maybe she should meet them all and see if the frisson transfered to reality....?

Firesstarter - 01 Jul, 2020 - 11:58PM

I am luck enough to have an afternoon meet up planned on 4th July. Feeling excited and nervous xx

ClassyLady77 - 01 Jul, 2020 - 10:31PM

Got told today we can go back into office in few weeks.. πŸ˜€ can escape.

Only want to meet a man for a drink and laugh and see what happens.. not interested in sex.. well unless he’s on my wave length... πŸ˜‰

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