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What is the most attractive thing you find about a woman or a man?
For me it's eyes, an accent and a positive outlook on life :-)

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Comments (198)

1434440 - 21 Feb, 2021 - 03:05PM

Speaking from a man's perspective, I think there are different aspects to attraction.

In no particular order.

1) Sexual attraction. That feeling of grrr. For me it's probably the obvious - legs, bum, cleavage.

2) Emotional attraction/Aura. For me this is about the face and body language. That moment when you look at someone and you get a rush of adrenalin and you are locked in that moment and feel an overwelming attraction to that person. Eyes, smiling face are all important.

3) Mental attraction/Personality. You find the person thinks in the way you think and you can have conversation along the same wavelength and enjoy similar things. Spontaneity, humour etc. the person makes you laugh and smile.

Ideally you will have all three but I think the main one for any relationship to work is the emotional/aura .

1389672 - 28 Oct, 2020 - 02:22PM

Real self-confidence... not the type of confidence you get from shagging someone and having someone find you attractive, but inner confidence that comes through true self-worth.

Nic70 - 28 Oct, 2020 - 01:26PM

It is hard to find just one aspect of a person but having worked in the Middle East for a number of years - some of the women I worked with were veiled so spent a lot of time on their eyes which of course was the only place you could look.

Nic70 - 28 Oct, 2020 - 01:24PM

It is hard to find just one aspect of a person but having worked in the Middle East for a number of years - some of the women I worked with were veiled so spent a lot of time on their eyes which of course was the only place you could look.

1413266 - 28 Oct, 2020 - 01:08PM

So many different reasons to like/ find attractive the other. There is something missing here i think in all this, and i did see it mentioned once and that is the word aura. Most of the things mentioned are physical and mental, even emotional attributes of the other person that attract or not. I had a type years ago which i always went for. Now, older and wiser (?), i like and love all types of women. I once fell head over heels in love with a girl with the most beautiful laugh, smile and eyes. As well as her personality. But, she was so outside my type at that time it confused me so much i did nothing about it and she left the firm. I was soooo young then! That experience openned my eyes, so to speak. I love the body, the mind, the eyes, the laugh of a woman, but something, her aura, just seems to transcend any logic i might put on the attraction and then ... bingo!
Soz for ramble but just a thought :-)

qb1721 - 08 Oct, 2020 - 11:40AM

In no particular order: eyes, smile, personality, brain.

All are subjective, of course ;-)

Charmingperfume - 08 Oct, 2020 - 10:50AM


Tugga84 - 08 Oct, 2020 - 10:31AM

100% eyes
They can trap you.

1256660 - 08 Oct, 2020 - 09:11AM

A cracking smile and a glint in the eyes mmmm

Naughty_at_Knight - 01 Oct, 2020 - 12:52PM

Someone who has good banter and can make me laugh.

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