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If you could have an affair with...

If you could have an affair with anyone dead, alive or fictional, who would it be? 😉
I'd choose Cleopatra... 

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Comments (167)

Youngster04 - 01 Jun, 2024 - 09:18AM

If I could have multiple affairs I'd have them with Matthew lillard and Stanley tucci

Paula99 - 15 May, 2024 - 07:41PM


Not watching Scandal…but Tony Goldwyn was in Law & Order…he’s quite a guy 😁

Jimbo845 - 13 May, 2024 - 08:57PM

I quite fancy Nigella Lawson

Regis1960 - 13 May, 2024 - 08:34PM

Definitely alive and preferably a real person.

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EmnEm123 - 13 May, 2024 - 08:18PM

Recently started watching Scandal, it's not the best but I'm rather taken with Tony Goldwyn who plays the president.

R Deckard - 11 May, 2024 - 11:29PM

Monica Bellucci 20 years ago. But then, what if I fell in love head over heels?
And what if she did?

ExoticOrchid - 11 May, 2024 - 10:54PM

BEM - 09:29PM

Talk about random!!! 😱

(if he had chosen to do it deliberately, may he rot in hell for all eternity)

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BlueEyesM - 11 May, 2024 - 09:29PM

The pilot of MH370…. Not that I am gay, but I would love to know what happened…

Scousejack - 09 May, 2024 - 06:48PM

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Bambi56 - 09 May, 2024 - 01:21AM

Peter steel

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