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Where to go next?

Who has decided to continue seeing their IE with new restrictions? Personally I feel once I have met the right person as long as we are in our own 'bubble' and don't meet others it is completely acceptable. 


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Comments (78)

1424835 - 14 Jan, 2021 - 09:49AM

Take the view that most people would be sensible with this in the main (degree of trust if willing to take the risk etc). Would be pretty crappy to infect a load of people on the back of an affair though...

The main issue is practicality - not so much of an issue if you live close by or somewhere where you have to frequently drive, which makes it relatively easy to slip off for a bit. If you’re in London working from home though for eg though it’s pretty tricky to move from one area to another without a) arousing some suspicion or b) traversing the city without it taking an age. So what’s left? Chatting here or somewhere like kik? Tricky to maintain for long periods.

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1117169 - 14 Jan, 2021 - 09:37AM

I think it would be very risky and foolish to meet anyone new at the moment other than maybe for a " Socially distanced" chat over a coffee or something to see if the chemistry is there and the logistics would work so that you can make plans to meet properly when its ok to do so.

Given the current situation, I think its going to be late spring or early summer before that
begins to look possible and I doubt if the thrill of an initially promising meeting now can be sustained that long in most cases.

At the end of the day, however, its all about personal choice and balancing risks. We are all adults with free will ( Though our ability to exercise that free will is somewhat constrained by The State at present)

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SexyWinterLoving! - 14 Jan, 2021 - 09:15AM

I guess it depends on the situation and who else is in your bubble and the circumstances.

1360266 - 14 Jan, 2021 - 09:12AM

Each to their own...we are all adults! Personally I wouldn’t take the risk. I’ve seen the devastating effects of Covid on people, regardless of their age and whether they have any health conditions. Ironically, majority of these were who broke rules or consider it all a conspiracy.
It’s funny that when you get chatting to a guy-they will all say they have been “abiding” to the rules and suggest meeting. Gets me thinking...seriously...how many do they say that to?

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1417573 - 06 Nov, 2020 - 12:13AM

I think just do whatever makes you happy.

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Boredbabe123 - 05 Nov, 2020 - 10:14PM

I agree. I just wish I had met someone to add to my bubble. 😩

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1420328 - 05 Nov, 2020 - 08:36PM

Your Ultimate Desire then I fully agree with you. No point being on a site like this if you are not prepared to meet up. Might as well just go and watch some porn!

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1386735 - 05 Nov, 2020 - 08:29PM

Sky man
I didn’t mean during lockdown 🙄 I meant in general!

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1420328 - 05 Nov, 2020 - 08:15PM

Your Ultimate Desire - I've always been up for meeting up, there's nothing better than to feel a ladies touch. Unfortunately I wouldn't like to have to explain any sort of fine if I got one!

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donna196419 - 05 Nov, 2020 - 08:06PM

You all.make it sound as if you meet some your going drop dead next minute wouldnt happen

We all grown ups and you just got put some trust in the person and yourself .
This lockdown going be longer than 4wks so get on with your lifes cause your look back and wish you had
It's not stop me from living my life am grow ass woman and I take my own risk and not let some grovement tell me what I can do or cant

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