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How much contact in between meets is enough contact....

How many messages do you and your IE have in between meets and what do you
think is acceptable? Is once or twice a week enough or do you feel you
must have at least one message per day??

I am happy with a few messages a week, it does not have to be daily for me
but I know others yearn and need that daily message or messages - what do
you like?

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Comments (104)

The Joy of Impotence - 26 May, 2023 - 08:04PM

We don't exchange any messages
She's blind and I'm deaf, so communication is tricky
I've suggested we try scent communication, but she hasn't read the text so it's still a work in progress.

1598596 - 15 May, 2023 - 07:55PM

Lots of profiles talk about honesty. If both parties are really honest with each other then the number & regularity will be agreed between you. Personally I’m happy with whatever my IE partner wants.

CaptureMe - 08 May, 2023 - 12:13PM

Depends on the individual connection I feel
Shouldn't be fixed on this as you may miss the opportunities presented to you !
Go with the flow in each message

CaptureMe - 08 May, 2023 - 12:09PM

Think it's down to the Individual connections ?
Some people you may want to speak to more often than others !!
For me no set rules! So will the flow

BraGirl - 08 May, 2023 - 10:34AM

What works for both, me and my IE, when I find him or he finds me. 😉

Sultry 4 - 23 Apr, 2023 - 02:39PM

Like to receive texts telling what he s goin to do to me next time we meet 😜

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1590175 - 22 Apr, 2023 - 08:33AM


Just be aware of the guys who when you have literally just met them for that first initial meet, they message you on IE that same evening, demanding to know why youre still on here, and being under the impression that now youve had one coffee together you are now exclusive!
It happened to me so they are out there!
You are entitled to message and meet whoever you want, you will then make your own decisions who you really clicked with and who you want to continue seeing.
I did message the guy back btw saying well if you can see Im logged on, that kind of tells me you are too? (I think thats a man thing, they dont quite think it through!!). Good luck.

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1565417 - 21 Apr, 2023 - 09:56PM

I speak to my IE daily, but that’s our choice.
Appreciate that it’s not that easy for everyone but at the moment it works for us It may change in the future just enjoying it while it lasts!!

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1594837 - 21 Apr, 2023 - 07:26PM

I personally don't want daily contact, maybe a couple of times a week at most.

1582640 - 21 Apr, 2023 - 06:13PM

Deep mental chemistry is where it’s at in the end, so good that you’d fuck their elbow.

Coffee in bed, with cream cakes and a large and suspicious sausage on the cafeteria trolley….

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