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When should I declare a disability?

When joining IE there are opportunities to declare your age, religion, sex , ethnicity and sexuality but nothing about disability. Now I support the Social Model of Disability - put simply , it is the barriers in society that disable people with impairments, not the impairment itself.

Declaring a disability is a bit of a minefield on IE . Declaring too early and you crash and burn. Don't declare at all and you might be giving a completely wrong impression about who you are.

So should I included a nuanced mention to being a disabled person in my profile or not? I would love to chat with ladies who are in the same situation but how on earth can we identify each other here when it is so difficult to declare?

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Comments (19)

ExoticOrchid - 06 Mar, 2024 - 08:44PM

TJJ89 - 10:11AM

They have a right to know if they are going to meet. I once met somebody who turned out to be in a wheelchair ... that wasn't fair to me!

P1 - 05:30PM

Not seeking perfection at all and nothing to do with being shallow ... if someone is actually meeting in person or, as in your case, going to be intimate, it certainly should be mentioned beforehand.

Peaches1 - 06 Mar, 2024 - 05:30PM

I think it's best to mention this early on. Not all people are shallow but quite a few people on here are seeking perfection as they think that actually excists. I had a relationship with a man who had total erectile dysfunction. Would have preferred him to be honest from the start really.

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TJJ89_fun - 15 Feb, 2024 - 10:11AM

I think you should only declare it as and when you feel comfortable. It’s not somebody else’s right to know if you have a disability or not xx

FluffyClouds - 08 Feb, 2024 - 10:52PM

There are people with disabilities on IE. Physical disabilities are usually mentioned in the profile, unseen disabilities usually (or not) come up in conversation at some point.

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Seriousfella - 07 Feb, 2024 - 02:16PM


leggysheila - 07 Feb, 2024 - 08:12AM

I have been with two guys in wheelchairs XXX

Marlen - 07 Feb, 2024 - 12:53AM

Be honest. You may have a disability, but it may not be an impairment, to what you seek here.
If you aren't comfortable with it how do you expect a prospective IE to deal with it?
If its a visible impairment, how would you 'hide' when you meet?
We're all flawed, some, more so than others. Being physically, emotionally, etc. Perfect doesn't make you a good IE

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Jcruzz9 - 06 Feb, 2024 - 10:42PM

I mean, think about it as though you are going through the airport customs gate, "nothing to declare" is a natural instinct, because you don't want to pay the price of import tax. I suppose disability carries that invisible tax, fear of "what if" thinking process.

Jcruzz9 - 06 Feb, 2024 - 10:39PM

Disability is in the list too.

laugar164 - 06 Feb, 2024 - 04:05PM

@paula 5ft 2 nice you don't get diamonds as big as rocks

Just the right size for me 😉

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