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Cheat Leap?

Since it’s a leap year, women can propose on the 29th February. And that got me thinking… for people who are already married or engaged, we should celebrate ‘Cheat Leap’, where cheating in a leap year doesn’t count! Sounds like a good enough excuse to play away this year… Or maybe the 29th should be 'Come On To Someone Else's Spouse Day'. What do we reckon?

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Comments (37)

giggly hamster - 05 Mar, 2024 - 09:53AM

Paula, please tell me you said that in the style of Helen Mirren in Calendar Girls, or better still Daphne Moon from Frasier 😍

Paula99 - 01 Mar, 2024 - 05:28AM

This is a chat forum…check out the subject matter as above ☝️…

Not the place to describe your ‘buns’..😕

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MissBrandy - 01 Mar, 2024 - 12:15AM

I've been asking my subs to do extra humiliating tasks for me today 😘 we've had fun

giggly hamster - 01 Mar, 2024 - 12:03AM

Wish I was young and had lots of stamina. Everything's dropped, my jowls have sagged as low as my balls and with my eyesight even Keith Rochard's ballbag looks like as smooth as a fine silk purse.

The closest thing I get to playing with fire is going out and buying Horlicks - a dirty business I know, pure filth.
The looks you get from the loose leaf tea buyers and herbal infusion people at the supermarket I couldn't begin to tell you.

In fact the last time I had to wrap the Horlicks in the pages of a grumble mag in order to retains some sort of respectability.

A waist, hair, and the ability to not make sex akin to trying to pack dough into a tight purse .. ahhh, great days eddie... great days...

Allyoursme - 29 Feb, 2024 - 10:46PM

Given its a leap year, and the fact that it's the year of the dragon.... I might just play with fire... Just a tad more!

1651557 - 29 Feb, 2024 - 10:39PM

I'm a Fitness competitor who swims long distance when I can and also competes in the pool whilst showing off my Glutes and legs! Ladies ask me out as I'm young and have a lot of stamina

1645560 - 29 Feb, 2024 - 08:20PM

Start from the top and work down, only polite to say hello first 😆

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giggly hamster - 29 Feb, 2024 - 05:51PM

You could have both Paula, strap them to a wheel and spin away. Bit like wheel of fortune, but with a Bullseye star prize if it stops the wrong way up "... aaaand here's the end you could have won..."

Paula99 - 29 Feb, 2024 - 05:12PM

Blessed Tongue …

Depends which part you want Top or Bottom 🙄

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1645560 - 29 Feb, 2024 - 03:27PM

Do you get a choice of which half?

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