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Wildest excuses you’ve told to avoid getting caught…

I’ve had my fair share of nerve-wracking moments over the years when I’ve had to think on my feet to keep my affair under wraps, and it got me thinking… I can’t be the only one, right?What’s the most creative excuse you’ve used, or the closest call you’ve had, to keep your secret safe?For me, I once had to fake a car breakdown to explain why I was “running late” coming home. Nearly got caught, but it worked! :sweat_smile:

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Comments (29)

Life is a beach - 14 Sep, 2024 - 11:03PM

Keep is as close to the truth as possible.
I have said I am going out with work for dinner whilst out with my IE. We do have a meal together now and then. I have been asked what I had for dinner and what the others had, I remember dishes from the menu and answered accordingly.
Just make sure he or she doesn't see your work colleagues for a while or he or she is not close to them 😅

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1705941 - 12 Sep, 2024 - 11:22AM

There’s not much need for excuses if you play it right! I’d say try and go out more often with “friends” and family and stay often longer at work and kind of proof it sometimes. Do this before your regular meets. Also pay attention to your partner and try and do things more often together if you don’t have a lack in communication and suddenly you do, things will only get worse and you might get caught. For communication i use telegram or snapchat. It deletes everything if you have the right settings! :)

rarity23 - 06 Sep, 2024 - 12:14PM

I have to admit to nearly being caught out, as was caught up in a horrendous traffic jam, nowhere near where I should have been.

I said I had finished work early and had parked up for a nap, coupled with my phone battery had died..,..no idea how how I managed to get away with being an hour and half late home , but I did. !!!!!!

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Spicy Asian - 01 Sep, 2024 - 09:40AM

I tend to wait untill my husband is away so never need excuses, but work emergencies are always a good one!

Emerald Dream - 31 Aug, 2024 - 01:10AM

I can’t say I’ve had wild excuses but. I once wrote off a car and ended up in hospital miles away..Cover your tracks in advance .If possible invent the friend so they can’t be contacted ! Instead of meeting my lover I was visiting a retired ex colleague far away supposedly …… You do have to think of these things . Flat tyres , car breakdowns , working late , meetings, depressive friends having a breakdown …Don’t tell lies that can be checked out on the net regarding traffic jams or train cancellations unless you have all the info correct !

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Unwoke! - 30 Aug, 2024 - 11:21AM

If you've got to the stage where you're having to think on the fly AFTER the event you haven't done your planning properly!

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Micky_london - 29 Aug, 2024 - 06:52PM

I find it harder to give excuses the more details I give the worst it gets 😅 I just say I was at a work event

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V8drive - 29 Aug, 2024 - 04:53PM

Plausible deniability as the Americans say 😉🤣

NinaOakley - 29 Aug, 2024 - 01:18PM

Where is always true, what I’m doing often isn’t. When I’ve had longer dates with my IE I’ve been having a day out with my friend, Emma. Short, sweet, regular meetings, he’s a client I visit at home. (Not unexpected in my perfectly legitimate line of business.)

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1218784 - 29 Aug, 2024 - 11:58AM

I had to say that the guy am having a affair with is gay to keep him 😁

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