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Is home more bearable when you have an IE?

Do you find you get on easier with your husband/wife when you're having an affair?

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Comments (128)

1381713 - 05 May, 2020 - 02:09PM

When you have your IE , if there is a real connection and things are good there , then yes , in the past I have found that I am a better Husband , Father all round family man at home.

Being in a good space , mentally and physically , can have a greatly positive effect on the people around you , at home and at work .

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tea_coffee_me_ - 05 May, 2020 - 10:01AM

"Tazzy63 - I’ve changed my self description several times and hardly got any responses.
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong!"

There is no 'right' or 'wrong' unless you are not honest about what you are and are not looking for.
If you live in London, and cannot travel to Manchester, there is no purpose to saying you can etc ...

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1374057 - 04 May, 2020 - 10:58PM

So far so good.Getting to know people is fun to me.Seems some are finding it difficult to cope.

Please if you send me a message and I don’t reply as you might want it,take it as a NO. And if you dare me to reply and I don’t, don’t be sending me nasty messages.I am not under any obligation to reply or date everyone on here.Some messages add more boredom to this lockdown.

Is a lockdown which will be lifted not the end of world.Let’s all be matured about it.

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Meetinginalift - 04 May, 2020 - 10:47PM

Its undoubtedly a complex balance. But it’s a good time to find someone you click with online as we all need a bit of an escape at the moment. Helps to cope with the day. Complexity is that we can’t meet as yet. But things will change at some point. Having someone to explore with, open up to, visualise and express desire and fantasy. Well it can be fun can’t it. Now more than ever it’s perhaps needed as the weeks in lockdown continue

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1375097 - 04 May, 2020 - 10:40PM

I’ve changed my self description several times and hardly got any responses.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong!

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Bugwithone - 04 May, 2020 - 10:39PM

As I’m presently alone, I’m really enjoying having my own space!

But I do miss the gentle touch of a woman!!!

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1222947 - 04 May, 2020 - 10:35PM

It's a very, very fine balance.

When my IE was going well (not just sexually), yes it really did help the marriage and family, for months on end.

However, when the affair was in a tricky situation, then it cast a massive cloud over my whole life, and made things at home twice as hard. My mistake was giving myself away completely to the affair. I've learned to cherish the good things in my own life first of all and will never make that mistake again.

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onewiseguy - 04 May, 2020 - 10:28PM

I'd love to find out

1363775 - 04 May, 2020 - 10:15PM

It has certainly helped knowing there are other people out there who feel like I do, who understand and can talk about things that would be too awkward to discuss at home.

Yeah I have tried to talk about it at home but it just caused stress and tension, and kids felt uncomfortable. In the end I backed off and stopped trying make things right. I found just being on IE helped by giving me a little peace of mind. Hopefully I'll find someone on my wavelength soon.

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1373861 - 04 May, 2020 - 10:01PM

I’m not having an affair as yet but I think when I do finally connect with someone things won’t change at home.
I’m here because my partner as more interest in other things (should I say) other than me. So I’ll be glad to give that someone some unconditional attention.

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