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Cold feet

Does anyone get cold feet after arranging a meet? how do you deal with it..? I am serious about meeting someone just worried I will mess up and get caught

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Comments (172)

Natstar - 17 May, 2020 - 09:43AM

The beat excuse was that his zip had broken so would need to cancel!

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HughLong1955 - 17 May, 2020 - 09:34AM

It's natural to be nervous. Just do it. But make sure you are safe and agree if either of you feels it's not working its OK to say call it a day. There is nothing worse than forcing a conversation 1 or both of you don't want. Brutal but fair.

1117169 - 16 May, 2020 - 08:56AM


Yes you can definitely meet someone from here, I certainly have.

You need to put in a lot of time and effort messaging to separate the " Meeters" from the "Chatters / browsers / timewasters / fantasists" which in my experience are in a ratio of 1 /10, be realistic about who will be interested in you and find someone fairly nearby who shares mutual free time.

It will probably boil down to one or two possible partners.

If you are in your 30s or 40s, tall dark, handsome and rich and live in London however, your chances will be much greater, but you are not likely to be on here if you are!

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1272141 - 16 May, 2020 - 08:08AM

Not so much cold feet, as ending a run of meets that were going nowhere. It turned out her window of opportunity was less than a hour towards the end of the day. Too late for arranging a day room. So after a lunch and a couple of coffee meets it was obvious we had to give it up.

That kind of encounter is for quickies with someone nearby. Which can be a thrill. But both risk exposing their whereabouts with that kind of arrangement.

She phoned a few times about two hours before she thought she could meet, but on those occasions i was unable to alter my day in time. On the other meets i turned up to make what we could of it. But for her part it was all a mad dash to nowhere.

So a few things were amiss in the basic mechanics of an affair. Timing, location, availability, communications. Too many in her case.

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TotallyTalkingtome - 16 May, 2020 - 01:43AM

It's normal to feel nervous... part excitement and part anxiety. My advice is to find a safe place, and even if it's a bit counter intuitive, somewhere public - but not in an area you or your IE are known to frequent. Safety first.

Don't meet too early - give some time for a connection to be established - and don't meet too late when it might have started to go a bit flat.

Never stand your IE up if you can possibly avoid it - plan, plan, plan......

Not every meet will progress onto a relationship - but meeting up is a vital stage along the way.

tea_coffee_me_ - 16 May, 2020 - 12:10AM

" Nige119 - I have a serious question ... has anyone actually met someone via this site? "

". are there really women out there that want the same"

How long it takes is another question entirely.
Some take longer than others, one of my IE's found me in 4 days, we met within 10 days?
Should have been less than a week however, plan B as I had a family situation to deal with, which he was great about. I do not usually chat on the phone before, however we chatted that evening instead. Discovered interesting things about each other, many people make up and exaggerate some things. We tactfully were testing each other to see if genuine, amazingly we were!
Had a great first meeting a few days later... and that was one of the few that carried on.

Other times it can take a lot longer with many false starts (I had had many false starts prior to that IE :-( and since :-( )

Patience IS required, just because you chat well, a good 1st meeting, there is no guarantee of continuation .... even a 2

1371999 - 15 May, 2020 - 11:44PM

Nerves are normal, it shouldn’t be awkward if both have a good connection and got to know each other, going just for a meet straight off is not good in my view, maybe try a different site. Also if the cold feet is too much then maybe your not ready for this or guilt has a part to play?

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Geek0808 - 15 May, 2020 - 11:22PM

Should be exciting after you have chatted to the person, got to known them!
Planning is key, make sure you have a strong alibi! Shouldn’t go wrong then.

Nige119 - 15 May, 2020 - 11:07PM

I have a serious question ... has anyone actually met someone via this site? I am interested as I feel this site is for real and hope it is ... but wary al the same ... I am serious about my intention ... I need to maximize my extremely high libido while I still have it ... but I am not interested in binning my marriage .... are there really women out there that want the same ... or am just being a typical male and wanting my cake and eat it?

Pogosticks87 - 15 May, 2020 - 11:07PM

There's always a degree of nervousness when meeting someone new - in particular someone you hope to have an intimate connection with. In this line there is also the secondary worry of being caught.
You have two choices...dont meet or do. Only one is safe but it means nothing changes. The second has a degree of excitement and more danger but it could be one of the best experiences you have...or not. It's a risk.

In my opinion so long as your alibi or reason for being away is as solid as it can be then it's best to go for it and see what happens.

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