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Cold feet

Does anyone get cold feet after arranging a meet? how do you deal with it..? I am serious about meeting someone just worried I will mess up and get caught

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Comments (172)

Pink Eiga - 26 Sep, 2023 - 09:31PM

The Lioness - 26 Sep, 2023 - 03:17PM
Hope things go well!

I take some time to agree to a meet, but once I do, I will make good of the arrangement. I don’t think I’ve ever defaulted on one. Yet have spoken to men who have seemed interested to meet with all details finalised. But at the last minute, either the shoddy excuses come in, they fail to confirm or simply just stand you up. What is that all about? 🤷

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Bobby224 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 08:25PM

I’m very surprised to hear people talking about cold feet on this site! Do we all not know what we are doing here? Obviously things need to be planned carefully and there has to be a certain amount of trust with who you are meeting but meeting is the whole point in the end!

FluffyClouds - 26 Sep, 2023 - 08:16PM

If by meet we mean a date, then I've not experienced cold feet from men. But have had a couple looking like rabbits in a headlight. It's off putting and immediately makes me think they're not affair material.

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1597404 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 08:07PM

I have never had cold feet. Having said that I have never had an illicit meeting. I'll get a pair of woolly socks, just incase 😉

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TheEnigma - 26 Sep, 2023 - 06:10PM

Cold feet is natural especially if you are a man (to address one of the earlier comments). There’s a whole wave of consequence for an affair being discovered. Loss of family, divorce, financial implications etc….

The important thing is to not lead the other party on and be sure of your intent and the risks associated with what you will engage in. Once you have reconciled that you have reconciled the factors you are in control of.

If you’ve not done the above then you’re just here for sexy chats and validation from the opposite sex.

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Paula99 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 05:30PM

Everyone has got cold feet at times ….

Including me but it was a long time ago…….but if you are getting cold feet 👣 regularly and you are making a date then cancelling then you need to think about what you really want ?
it’s not fair to lead the OP on and it only takes one person to post your little secret on here ..

You have been warned ☠️

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Ineedmoree - 26 Sep, 2023 - 05:18PM

Just go for it... Just be believable in your cover up... x

Paula99 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 04:52PM

Good luck ….hope he turns out to be your the lion king x

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1614937 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 03:41PM

The Lioness... Best of luck! ❤

1623840 - 26 Sep, 2023 - 03:17PM

Tell me about it. This guy sounds amazing, looks amazing. First meet tomorrow! Wish me luck. I'm scared! Not backing out though and yes the thought of getting caught out is a little worrying but a little part of the thrill too I suppose 🤦🏼‍♀️

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