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I'm single and not ready for a full time relationship. Why do people feel the need to judge me on here? I don't want to ruin anyone's marriage

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Comments (159)

boav91 - 24 Dec, 2023 - 04:10PM

Fair enough I guess it is about finding the right person

I think I was cautioned early on in my journey, and that stuck with me. You make a fair point however

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Dec, 2023 - 03:48PM

If only I could name the marrieds I know who are obsessed with their IEs and are not discreet, etc ... 🙄

My comment has nothing to do with your choice ... it has everything to do with your tunnel vision that ONLY marrieds are a safe bet ... a Bunny Boiler is a Bunny Boiler whether single or married ... it is not an exclusive club which only singles belong to!

Paula99 - 24 Dec, 2023 - 12:34PM

Whether we are single/married/partners…we all have something to loose in this situation…if things don’t don’t go well…it dosent take no prisoners no matter what we categorise ourselves..

It’s not the single people we need to be concerned about ..it’s the emotional maturity that counts..😁

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boav91 - 24 Dec, 2023 - 12:26PM

@Exotic orchid

If the reference to singles not having anything to loose was about my comment you are right we all have something to loose, but as a married man who is not looking to leave and this is ,as with many of us, to fill a gap that exists in that relationship. As someone where my partner there would divorce me if they found out, I would likely loose, financially, with also my kids likely disowning me as they are very close to their mother, and as our social groups are so entwined I would likely loose much of that too.

If I was single whilst there are other things to loose the factors above would not be the case. It is that what I imagine a single person is less likely to be affected by.

You personally may not take risks and would be careful others may where the impact is less may not. Maybe I am too cautious but I prefer to be that way than end up in the proverbial do doo.

It is a personal choice and one I am allowed to make. My IE and I are in the same boat and it works. Each to their

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1632896 - 24 Dec, 2023 - 11:11AM

A lot of people like pinging the waistband of their judgey knickers.

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Dec, 2023 - 09:17AM

It makes me laugh that ONLY married people have "something to (lose) loose so would not be tempted to rock the boat or would also want to be careful and not take unnecessary risks" ... 🤣

What a joke!!! 🙄

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BustyBoo22 - 24 Dec, 2023 - 09:12AM

This is my situation too. Just want a semi relationship. Xx

Johnnyblue - 24 Dec, 2023 - 09:03AM

As long as your not hurting anyone you should do as you feel

boav91 - 24 Dec, 2023 - 08:47AM

I agree you should not be judged. I preferred people in the same boat as me with something to loose so would not be tempted to rock the boat or would also want to be careful and not take unnecessary risks. I dont think that is judging. Not on my part at least. I think personally each to their own and I an sure you will find the right person who does not care your status in life.

Daved23 - 05 Jan, 2023 - 10:48PM

Totally agree you are single you can do what you want

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