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Dating tips

Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an entire language. 

My flirting skills are not so great... Any tips for a nice gent seeking a nice lady?

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Comments (169)

thenakedfarmer - 23 May, 2024 - 05:24PM

Ain half some white knight pish being written by blokes in this thread ... Say anything to get yet hole eh lads .. women mostly see through all that pseudo supportive virtue signalling shite. I'll say what I like and like what I say .. I think more women are looking for a real man with at least some edgy roughness or badness. Can't be arsed with all the pc pish pedalled by folk on these sites.. lol

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EbonyDesires - 23 May, 2024 - 04:31PM

Just be yourself. It’s best to be liked or rejected for the real you. Than, to be accepted for a false you and rejected at a later date when you show who you truly are xxx

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Enigma.. - 17 May, 2024 - 09:22AM

Here’s a tip from me… before it even gets as far as the “dating” stage.
This morning I’ve already had to message back three males who obviously had not read my profile.
Two live in Northern Ireland.
I live in Scotland… 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Like that’s going to work lol!?!
The other was from north east Scotland and I live in the south west!?!
Sure I’ll spend about four hours travelling just to meet you… not 🙄.

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1665613 - 17 May, 2024 - 07:14AM

I am everything that my profile says, but what I am finding girl talk and the disappear, if you join for affair what’s wrong I am good honest guy loves life and good looking and would show a woman a lot x

Devils_Mistress - 16 May, 2024 - 10:29PM

Good Evening,

So....dating tips....

Well from a women's point of view I have the following:

* Look like your profile photos...it is really important that you actually look like the photos you send us. Not a photo from 5 or 10 years ago when you didn't have a single grey hair and were in your 'prime'...us women are put off by this straight away and never starts a date well...

* Dress nicely and smell just as good....turning up to meet us in scruffy work wear, or smelling like you have been on a pub crawl is a massive turn off....we want someone who make as much effort as we do. Us women love to try a new perfume, look our best and make a great first impression....at least try to do the same.

* Lastly, as I want to keep this within the comment limits....be yourself!! I know that sounds easy but pretending to be something your not willing wear off easily...we don't bite but don't want a pretend guy, we like realism and want someone to connect with....there is someone for everyone so why be anyone

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ExoticOrchid - 16 May, 2024 - 05:29PM

EE123 - 10:22PM


Richard 170 - 16 May, 2024 - 02:45PM

If you get any decent tips please let me know.
Second time on here and even less success than last time...and believe me that's saying something.
It appears to me that getting past the photo stage is nigh on impossible. I might have a face like a smashed crab but I had hoped someone out there might see something in me!
Good luck in your search fella. It's brutal out there!

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EmnEm123 - 15 May, 2024 - 10:22PM

Are the blue eyed boys competing to write the cringiest, somewhat desperate, pseudo Mills and Boon romance posts?

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Steelblueyes77 - 15 May, 2024 - 09:24PM

Five minutes coffee meet ? .. I agree that this achieves more than a texting marathon. Across that table you take your coffee in both hands and look her directly eye to eye contact
You look to see if she meets your gaze . You look to see her mind working behind the orbs , You see if there is the nearest diversion of concentration. You register the colour of her eyes. You record in your mind her lashes and her eyebrows. . If all meets your criteria .. you are nearly there .. After that close encounter you will remember dream and imprint her eyes on your mind
Each time you kiss those eyes from that first contact will be the key to your intimacy and longing until you meet again xx

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James with the bluest eyes - 12 May, 2024 - 08:33AM

It starts with the initial chat online, then when comfortable a first meet. In a place that you both fell comfortable.
The just be yourself and if the person your meeting looks fabulous, then tell them.
The first kiss is always special. Whether it is just a touch of the lips or a slightly longer and lingering touch that just for that moment lights that spark.
Then look into her eyes if they are alive and shining like yours then the connection is real.
Its all in the kiss and I for one love to kiss.

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