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Long Lasting IE

What’s the secret to a long lasting IE?

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Comments (107)

Macali76 - 19 May, 2020 - 03:40PM

I believe after having a long affair that the following are important (not from IE)

Respect each others situation and treat each other with respect
Enjoy the time you have together
Have an open mind
Have contact with each other when you are apart
Dont take things too seriously and be adventurous
Build memories
Be good friends even after the affair ends
End on a good note

Just some of my thoughts,

Hope all are well.and stay safe

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BucksMan72 - 19 May, 2020 - 03:28PM

Don’t be mental!

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1375097 - 19 May, 2020 - 03:25PM

So true because often boredom at home isn’t due to just lack of sex but lack of intellectual discussion.

I’m fed up with my other half being more interested in Coronation Street than the politics because they control the real world in which we live and not Ken Barlow’s latest bit on the side.

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 19 May, 2020 - 03:16PM

I think it’s luck. If you manage to find a good one you’re very lucky. But what makes a good one? Well that’s different for everyone.

I’d say for most of us it’s giving and receiving whats lacking at home; wonderful physical contact; sex must be awesome so the physical attraction has to be strong. There must be a great connection of minds, and overall brilliant chemistry. Good conversations are a must, and regular text contact in between those physical meetings are high on my list.

Perverse as it sounds, being on here, but loyalty and honesty with each other is essential too. I may add to this later ..!

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AAGilfan - 19 May, 2020 - 03:06PM

I think X Factor has identified the X Factor for a long lasting relationship which is that, fundamentally, you are friends together and enjoy and look forward to each other's company. I am in a lucky position where I have had long lasting relationships from here and in pretty much all cases, we have remained friends. One of the reasons for that is that, to the extent we can, we care about the other party and are happy to help in whatever way (albeit limited). And to treat the opportunity together as being special. I believe that communication is key: and for each party to allow the other to be who they are and be happy and confident about themselves. Most on here will, to a greater or lesser extent, have had that ground out of them by years of lack of appreciation or, worse, negative comments and disinterest. It needs to be refreshing to be with that other party so that you look forward to seeing them.

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Lovemusiclove - 19 May, 2020 - 03:02PM

I’m new to this but I would imagine making sure you are both getting your needs met - and by that I don’t just mean in the bedroom.

Both will need the contact they need (whether that be intellectually, erotically etc) as often or seldom as they wish.

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Friendandlover12 - 19 May, 2020 - 02:59PM

It should never get to be any hassle at all, we all get enough of that in 'normal' life.

It should compliment, add spice and fun

Fromthestart - 19 May, 2020 - 02:58PM

Aren't all good things meant to come to an end? To make it last you both need to realistic open and honest with each other

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1364688 - 19 May, 2020 - 02:40PM

Relaxing, not adding any pressure to the amount of contact we make to each other.

clubuk - 19 May, 2020 - 01:38PM

How can we m 😭 t

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