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Expiry Date?

Does marriage have an expiry date?

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Comments (125)

Yorkshirerugby - 22 May, 2020 - 10:40AM


Agreed, death does certainly make it expire.

Changes throughout, again obviously children, work commitments time to oneself all contribute to changing circumstances with marriage.

Natural is also wanting to have a connection, a spark a glint in your eye a cheeky lustful glance at each other the chemistry.


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Bowi13 - 22 May, 2020 - 10:16AM

Is it not the intimacy or sexual excitement that expires? My IE says she doesn’t have any of that sexual chemistry at home any more, but her husband is like a best friend and she doesn’t want to change that.

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turquilmaz - 22 May, 2020 - 10:12AM

@Cheekylady365. Exactly what I thought when the question cane up

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1366769 - 22 May, 2020 - 10:06AM

Yes at least until death do us part 🤷‍♀️
But if the question is more about if things are changing during that period of marriage, of course they do. It’s a natural thing.

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1386174 - 22 May, 2020 - 09:42AM

Roll back the clock 20 (or even 30 😁) years to the original romantic ideals it starts with and the answer is "No"
Life takes over, shit happens, cynicism creeps in and that can change....
So good things can end, and for the right reasons sometimes because a natural expiry is reached....

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