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Expiry Date?

Does marriage have an expiry date?

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Comments (125)

PR_man - 29 Jun, 2020 - 03:08PM

When marriage was invented, life expectancy was between 40 and 50. Now that life expectancy is what it is, we are stretching the band...so yes, there is an expiry date. Or it has to evolve to remain relevant in peoples lives.

People have multiple experiences in all other domains of lives - homes, jobs, careers, so why not relationships?

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Linn444 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 11:25PM

In my opinion we fall in love ,then marry,over time we are not the same couple who fell in love and married,we have different values,desires,etc.we did not calculate this into the equation.

Smouldering_fire - 28 Jun, 2020 - 10:41PM

I don't think it does if you found the right person for you. I know mine doesn't and that's because we understand each other. I never wanted to get married because I never believed one person can fulfill all our needs as we grow and evolve but my husband gets that and that's why we have a open marriage. I'm lucky a lucky lady!

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1240949 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 09:52PM

I agree, a marriage is not black and white as we are not straight forward as individuals, things are far more complex than a simple in or out, we’re here in the main to fill a gap, not necessarily to decide the future of our relationships

1240949 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 09:47PM

Parents can have a hugely detrimental effect on a marriage if they believe it to be the wrong choice

gemini2310 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 08:56PM

I have a good hubby who adores our daughter I have just lost my spark for him so I am the problem in our marriage not him

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gemini2310 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 08:50PM

If people are happy with each other the marriage will last things go wrong

tea_coffee_me_ - 28 Jun, 2020 - 08:17PM

"gemini2310 -
I wonder what our other halfs we say about us on this topic it takes two to make a marriage and two to make it unhappy always two sides"
- rubbish it only takes one to make it unhappy!

My ex is always behaves better with his new girlfriend, does what we hoped he would do for us. Spends far more time with any children than he ever did with me/us!!

He even says he is trying to be a better person!

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Simple _Simon - 28 Jun, 2020 - 06:24PM

Yes though they never actually said but looking back you could tell !! That was with the first wife 😁

gemini2310 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 05:17PM

Did your parents think the person you married was not the one for you my mother did and how correct was she

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