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Ice Breakers

What's the best way to break the ice?

Any good conversation starters, or have any of you experienced any unique ones? Prey tell :-)

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Comments (177)

1332870 - 22 Jun, 2020 - 11:23PM

I think if someone messages you and is the complete opposite of what's in your profile, why reply.
If you're in London and want to meet someone local, why reply to someone from Scotland who clearly hasn't bothered reading your profile

Proper-gent - 22 Jun, 2020 - 02:22PM

Who knows
Acknowledging profile content (actually reading)
Non of these appear to matter.
You are lucky to get an acknowledgement.

To all the ladies who deem is appropriate to ignore introduction messages I consider myself lucky to have dodged applied ignorance

A polite response should not be too much trouble.
And If the person becomes a pest there is a block button

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1392752 - 21 Jun, 2020 - 04:16PM

It’s difficult to chose something from their profile when so many use the same IE Profile builder. Then expect Jack Whitehall rapier like wit, in the first message. 😄

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1379049 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 08:35AM

Something that shows that you’ve read their profile and that you have common interests or wishes is a good place to start. Rushing to the photo won’t work and nor will rushing to want you’d like to lick off their naked body. If you can’t laugh together you won’t misbehave together.

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1332870 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 08:10AM

Come on guys stay focused on the topic. Ice breakers is the subject 😂

Fallen Angel..... - 17 Jun, 2020 - 12:14AM

Ask them if they’ve got descent teeth, the one tooth wonders will avoid you like the plague...

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Spacehopper1968 - 16 Jun, 2020 - 11:46PM

Be upfront and tell her how far on the pleasure spectrum you’re going to take her. Works for me every time.

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1392896 - 15 Jun, 2020 - 09:01PM

With an axe. No, wait! Don't over think it. Be in the moment.

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dadbod1970 - 14 Jun, 2020 - 09:31AM

Be naked in the hotel room when your ie knocks.. make it clear once they enter your in command.. it’s worked quite a few times no need for small talk lol

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1371219 - 12 Jun, 2020 - 11:45AM

I don't think it makes much difference to be honest, I've found no difference in the way women respond (or not in most cases) to a carefully crafted and time consuming email and a quick hello. If you don't fit their criteria then don't expect a response. If you are lucky enough to get an answer don't fall for the "lets swap pw's" trick. Its not a swap they want, its just your pw. If you make it past that stage then just remember you are through to the next stage of the selection process, the best I've got to is first reserve ( yes, I was told that) and been ignored, ghosted and stood up all the way. Its a jungle in here and be under no illusion profiles never tell you the full story. There will be someone for everyone but be prepared to read the awful stories of how blokes have let women down by the very women who have done the same to you. Hang in there, you will find someone but it ain't easy

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