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Help - my IE is shy!

Finally met my IE after months of online messaging - we have an electric connection and I find him crazy attractive - but I found he is very shy in person…how do I bring him out of his shell? 

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Comments (135)

Paula99 - 23 Feb, 2024 - 06:41PM

New Balls please …😁

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1515202 - 07 May, 2022 - 04:42PM

We need new questions!

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FluffyClouds - 07 May, 2022 - 04:08PM

This question was originally posted two years ago, I doubt they're even in contact anymore

1515202 - 07 May, 2022 - 11:41AM

You can be patient for a little while, but if he doesn’t perk up the next time you meet, it might be a signal to go find someone else

Gormlessoaf - 07 May, 2022 - 07:49AM

Not too good. You can see by people's comments that this is now a patient/consultant relationship. Stop it, and get laid.

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Paula99 - 06 May, 2022 - 09:30PM

The shy ones sometimes surprise you...😊

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1520541 - 06 May, 2022 - 06:20PM

Months? Crikey!

1517903 - 06 May, 2022 - 03:38PM

Well months of messages seems a little non committed TBH, seems like someone is just dipping a toe in.

You have to have courage and a little selfishness to follow up and do what we all are looking for.

I would in my opinion find another who is more outgoing and serious. Why put so much time and engery into something that is and looks like it’s not going to happen.

1521064 - 06 May, 2022 - 03:36PM

A wolf in sheeps clothing maybe ;)

EmnEm123 - 06 May, 2022 - 03:24PM

Perhaps you should just let him move on to someone else who isn't so facile.

He sounds great.

You can't have that much of an electric connection if you are complaining about finding him very shy.

On a site like this a lot of people will appreciate that 'the quiet ones are the worst'!

In a good way!

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