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Lockdown Result!

I've met my (very first!) IE - we're meeting up frequently since lockdown has been eased. We are having so much fun, our feelings towards each other are so strong! I hope this lasts awhile, and doesn't fizzle out after the summer. How do you eventually deal with an IE breakup?

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Comments (62)

Beardandsandals - 10 Jul, 2020 - 04:39PM

I'd say by the tone of the post, that the affair is of the short term variety. That the OP can see this and is asking for advice for the end game.
More so for safeguarding their own wellbeing.

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509129 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 04:24PM

The only one I have met off here who was stunning and lovely fizzled out but to be honest I expected it as I always said she could have any man she wanted 😭😭

1332870 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 04:19PM

Well there's some patronising responses here. Who's to tell the poster how he/she is feeling.

They may have strong feelings for their IE. I have for mine .

You go for it. Enjoy it and don't overthink it.

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1390718 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 04:03PM

I'm still in contact with my first IE. We first met 8 years ago and spent the most amazing 2 and a half years together. Our lives changed. His more dramatic than mine, which inevitably forced us apart. He has since found a whole brand new permanent relationship and I am very happy for him and contune to be supportive. I just like to remember the good times and how we enriched and enhanced one another's lives. Just enjoy it whilst it lasts.

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1370351 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 02:29PM

I see it just like starting any relationship. You don't go into them thinking what happens when they end but the vast majority do. You just enjoy what you have at the time.

If you feel something for each other then it will be special and it will last until it reaches its natural conclusion. Don't overthink it

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sumfun20 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 01:55PM

Met my IE on here many years ago and it was an amazing 2yr experience. Of course love comes into it which makes it so special 💗
Even though you know it will end and that will hurt its so worth the pain.

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1380761 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 01:53PM

Enjoy the moments, the good times, you know now what standards you have set yourself now

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1387155 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 01:44PM

Remember your memories and the physical stuff. It will bring a smile to your face. Just walk away with your head held high and smile.
Enjoy everything while it lasts.
There always comes a time when you need to walk away from one another and there be no hard feelings.

1370351 - 10 Jul, 2020 - 01:37PM

I guess you deal with it the same as any break up. I suppose of you really like someone then it is going to hurt. But nothing lasts forever.

Stop worrying about what will be and enjoy what you have now! Live for the moment

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Fn4usall - 10 Jul, 2020 - 12:22PM

Congratulations, achieving a successful IE isn't easy. It takes luck, perseverance and an open mind.
My last IE lasted 4 years and during that time we formed a wonderful friendship. Kept things open and simple, met maybe twice a month and had an amazing time. It only ended because she eventually separated and moved out, away from her abusive husband and needed a more complete relationship in her life than me, a happily married guy could give her.
There is no easy answer to dealing with an IE breakup, if it doesn't hurt then maybe it didn't mean that much in the first place which is fine if that's the sort of IE you both agreed to. I guess, look to the positives and be thankful for all the great times you've shared, that you wouldn't have if you hadn't met. Find a new, exciting someone and embark on another IE adventure. Life's too short to dwell on the past, learn from it and use those lessons to move forward. Good luck with your IE.

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