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The Right Balance?

What is the right combination for an IE? Mutual attraction, interests, intelligence, sexual appetite...?

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Comments (103)

citygent69 - 02 Oct, 2020 - 04:06PM

Yes, it is so difficult to define. With my current ie, it was difficult to gauge exactly what chemistry existed as we sat opposite each other in that awkward first meeting. And I ended up talking about something which I suppose showed a vunerable side to me and she just reached over and kissed me hard and from that moment, well everything changed for the better

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Perrie5 - 30 Sep, 2020 - 07:15AM

Mutual attraction is a big thing. I dont think you can pin exactly what makes chemistry between people, but that is the most important thing... To keep the interest alive

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Oscardelta1 - 29 Sep, 2020 - 02:12PM

Definitely some attraction, but I think there needs to be a spark and also chemistry for it to work.

1155644 - 28 Sep, 2020 - 09:52PM


I have never put a picture on IE and had 2 fun and satisfying adventures. It’s actually better to chat without pictures. It tunes in and focuses your senses.. all 3 of us are conventionally handsome but I’m glad I got inside their heads first, because that is where you get to look around first before you buy....

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1393321 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 09:12PM


I used to was that when I first joined but then a lot of men talked about wanting a friendship side of the IE liason too and i found that so endearing that now i also want friendship with my IEs.

Jrhods - 27 Sep, 2020 - 08:02PM

Mutual attraction and proximity. Depends what one is looking for. If it is just sexual release with someone more exciting than your spouse then I think alot of other things can be left out.

1404714 - 27 Sep, 2020 - 01:00PM

Trust is fundamental as it underpins everything else as is a mutual respect

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manofhistory - 27 Sep, 2020 - 12:59PM

I usually find that being able to talk openly with each other is the main foundation of building a relationship. The rest doesn't really natter all that much, in fact I've found out that sometimes opposites can develop a strong attraction, as long as you have an open mind towards each other.

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discerningfitfun - 27 Sep, 2020 - 11:52AM

For me it is a mixture of connection, chemistry and communication.

Each is unique to a person and ones outlook changes over time.

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1412003 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 10:56PM

My take is that we often try too hard / apply too many filters in an effort to secure utopia. The reality is that compromise is necessarily in order to snare some occasional happiness.

I'm absolutely perfect in every way, yet I hope to find a way forward for you lesser souls. pmsl.

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