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The Right Balance?

What is the right combination for an IE? Mutual attraction, interests, intelligence, sexual appetite...?

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Comments (103)

Jake Jekyll - 26 Sep, 2020 - 09:58PM

In my 21 years I've learnt that good looks and hence good photography are an unfortunate diversion, the fortunate photogenic folk are all too often rather full of it, "if you've got it etc". I'm jealous of course and I don't blame them. However, I usually find that the easiest people to get along with are those you wouldn't usually find on the front cover of a glossy. Besides, the closer you get to 21 x X the less it matters.

The profile pics are still important, obviously there's the curiosity but I like to see a smile, an expression exuding some happiness that wants to be shared and encouraged. Just occasionally I see a face that suggests the cat/dog has just pooed on the carpet.

There must be some mutual interests to share unless the objective is solely sex. Of all the 'balances' in this topic I think matched intelligence isn't particularly important although it will be to some.

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Jake Jekyll - 26 Sep, 2020 - 09:57PM

Sexual appetite is a key topic since that’s central to why we are all here although one extra element for the IE is ‘bedside manner’. It starts from first contact on this site.

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1393321 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 08:16PM


I messaged someone and chatted by text for about 7 weeks with a bad profile pic, bad because it didn't show much of him. In that time, we also had some voice calls and a few video calls that were face only, and a bit blurred anyway (I did keep taking my glasses off coz I was being vain) but when we met the chemistry was absolutely there! Although, I may not have been attracted by looks only if I'd passed him in the street because he is only a fraction taller than me. On the date though, I didn't mind that at all because we laughed at the same rubbish, and chatted so easily about anything. And then we kissed.....it was a lovely first date. It's only our schedules that are keeping us from meeting properly, but we will eventually. So I think this proves to me that attraction is in the mind and the heart of a person not really the eyes.

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Northern kiss - 26 Sep, 2020 - 06:55PM

A question.
How are you dealing with finding someone and ‘restrictions’
Seeking somebody closer?

Harvey052 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 06:35PM

The start of any 'relationship' is one where you have to trust your gut but also the limits of how far you want to go.

This is a personal decision and difficult to breakdown and anslyse- where's the romance in that??

Cherry_X - 26 Sep, 2020 - 05:42PM

Not over analyzing it?

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Telluha - 26 Sep, 2020 - 05:40PM

Has anyone actually made a conscious decision to meet an IE without exchanging pw's and built a strong connection by messages, calls, texts etc first?
If so, was there still the same connection when you met and did it lead to sexual chemistry?
I wonder if sometimes we are to quick just to make a decision solely on looks when we swop pw's?
I would be interested on your thoughts.......

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1355970 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 02:36PM

Starts off with mutual attraction

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Pogosticks87 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 02:07PM

Laughter, Honesty, Communication, spontaneity, sexual chemistry and that elusive spark!

I also think their has to be a degree of respect - not jut for each other as individuals but also for each other' situation. There's a difference between being there for someone and being clingy.

Each 'formula' is different depending on the person's needs but I think the foundation concepts are the same. Even though we are all here effectively looking for the same thing we are not actually looking for exactly the same if that makes sense? Depends on what you crave.

The hard bit is finding someone that craves the same as you!

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ClassyLady77 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 01:42PM

Laughter, Honesty, trust and chemisty Are important.. plus have to be kinky

I met someone a while ago and OMG the chemistry was insane as soon I hugged him.. I thought Holy Fuck.. He got scared and decided he couldn’t cheat.. 😔 . I guess I’ve been looking for that since... 😔

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