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The Right Balance?

What is the right combination for an IE? Mutual attraction, interests, intelligence, sexual appetite...?

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Comments (103)

1393321 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 10:19AM


I really agree with all your comments. I like to chat first then meet face to face. Video calls are also good. I like the first meet to be all about the personality and the anticipation physical touch. I like to feel skin to skin contact without much interference from my eyes anyway. So, a quick wit, insight, positivity and sweet expressions are the basis of attraction for me.

Yes, a person could be a stunner but their attitude could dash it all.

Wanderlust134 - 26 Sep, 2020 - 09:51AM

I've had a couple of online attractions before. Chatted just as names on a screen for a long time... and then the attraction came from the knowing them. Would I have looked at them or they me if just meeting in a bar or whatever? I doubt it. There is a lot to be said (especially now) for taking time to know someone.
Good kisser is a must.

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Ade.mac2017 - 23 Sep, 2020 - 08:45PM

Yes I agree. You have to build a mutual trust and respect with one another. At the end of the day, hopefully, you will be meeting with that person

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1365082 - 23 Sep, 2020 - 07:05PM

I think you have to have witty chemistry before you meet (and from messaging you get a good idea of wit and intelligence), sexual chemistry when you do meet and then being able to laugh and enjoy each others company.

But absolutely agree from the last message, a good kisser is a deal breaker.... highly underrated by so many....

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Your Sexy Woman - 22 Sep, 2020 - 09:01PM

An open enthusiasm for one another, simplicity, authenticity, and for me, a man who kisses well. There are so many who haven't acquired this skill ... that's a deal breaker even if the chemistry is good.

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1354963 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 08:14PM

Physical attraction first if it’s an affair but if they are arrogant or a personality and cannot get on board with then it doesn’t matter what you look like. You want to meet someone you see and think oh hell yeah ;)

JimLondon - 20 Sep, 2020 - 03:52PM

Presumably intelligence can't be suitable for all matches?

Blue Butterfly Baby - 20 Sep, 2020 - 11:12AM

All of the above....?

1353286 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 12:09AM

Mutual attraction has to be there for me and the rest follows x

1307204 - 19 Sep, 2020 - 10:21PM

happend alot to me too... i don't consider myself photogenic.. here lays a problem

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