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First Message Advice?

What's is the best kind of introductory message to send to women you like on here :-)

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Comments (151)

1333371 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 10:59PM


I find just saying “hi” is by no means enough, even when the woman’s profile says “just say hi, I don’t bite”

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 14 Aug, 2020 - 10:33PM

Tip Number 1: Have an adult-type profile that you’ve clearly created yourself. The template ones aren’t interesting to read
Number 2: Have a sensible user-name. Believe it or not a user name along the lines of ‘HungLikeADonkey69’ is not tempting
Number 3: Be what your potential IE is looking for, ie within the required age range / location etc. These things DO matter
Number 4: Don’t be sexually all in your first few messages. Be friendly, polite, chatty., it’s not hard!
Try not to be offended, or needy, or aggressive if you don’t get a reply from your potential IE. We all have ‘normal’ lives and can be busy.
Relax, if it’s meant to happen, it will do

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Ha1234 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 10:30PM

Agree...unless they are separated or divorced... then they do need to make clear if they want to rock the boats

1333371 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 10:26PM

I know the women get a lot of messages, which must make sorting the wheat from the chaff difficult.

I agree with Sportster... be a little more creative and stop using the profile generator. It really doesn’t give any insight into the woman behind the profile. I would rather you be honest about what you’re looking for, than vague.

And who here wants to “rock any boats”? So, why spell it out?

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Ha1234 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 10:17PM

Some do bite......so that could be seen as untrue....lol

Monkey34 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 09:55PM

Just say hi we don’t bite

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Liltink - 14 Aug, 2020 - 09:46PM

Never ever put you like bigger/older women... its not flattering
Youd be surprised how many do 🤔😬

ExoticOrchid - 14 Aug, 2020 - 09:41PM

Short and sweet is good.
Also, please don't go too overboard with the flattery either ... that can be just as off putting ... after all, you are still a total stranger and you really don't know the person you are messaging.

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gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 09:06PM


Each to there on here we all know what we want or do not want phone sex would never be done with me but if you like that sort of thing enjoy I am very romantic and usually have a bunch of roses given to me after a first meet for coffee

Chezley - 14 Aug, 2020 - 08:45PM

Such things are going to happen at some point. Sometimes quite early on. In one ie we advanced to phone sex, immediately after the coffee date. It's a significant part of an ie.

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