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First Message Advice?

What's is the best kind of introductory message to send to women you like on here :-)

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Comments (151)

gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 08:38PM


We are all human but has to be lots of attraction in so many ways for it to work it does for me anyway I never want to fall for anyone but need to like someone alot or there's just no point

1399053 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 08:32PM

If a first message makes me laugh or even just a smile then I’m defo replying! Nothing sexual, short & sweet will do. I always reply, as it’s disrespectful not to, unless the message is overly sexual or contains the words ‘babe’ or ‘hun’ 🤣

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1117169 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 08:28PM

Ladies. What would you say in a first message to a guy whose profile goes something like this :-

" My friends say I kinda have brown eyes and I'm not much into Coldplay more into Peaky Blinders etc etc"

Ideal partner

" Nothing entered"

There's loads of ladies profiles like this.

Would you even bother?

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gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 08:05PM


Oh dear attraction is a massive thing for me also personally and making each other laugh the thought of meeting a guy when I had already seen his private parts would never happen it's different when you build trust and want to take things further for real but I still would not exchange risky photos we would both see things for real then

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1117169 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 07:14PM

@ gemini2310

Yes it has happened to me.

She was on holiday with her friend ( Who had her lover with her) in Tenerife and was obviously feeling a gooseberry and neglected and hot and horny. She kept sending me topless pics by the pool and saying what she wanted to do to me when she got back. It was ok at first and I was polite and complimentary but eventually I told her to calm down jump in the pool and cool off.

I told her that it was too much too soon and that I was not going to take it any further

Had she been really really attractive I think I might have reacted differently. I am only human after all.😉

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Cancer - 14 Aug, 2020 - 06:58PM

One guy sent me his pic pw that included....action shots shall we say. I suggested they came with a warning. He has since removed them.
Honestly, just be human! And not desperate, can tell that a mile off 🙃

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gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 06:14PM


Really does that happen that would never happen with me if a guy tries to ask me about s##:on here that's a big no from me and I'm no prude that's just the way I am

1117169 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 06:01PM


Overly sexual messages and photos sent by ladies almost from the get go are also a big turn off for me , and I suspect many blokes too.

Real passion, though you can often feel it the instant you meet someone, takes maybe 2 or 3 meetings to properly develop and action.

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gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 05:52PM

If anyone had rude photos when I asked for the PW would be blocked I do not need to see these on here it's not just about s## for me it's great conversation good company and looking forward to the next date and getting to know each other

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1117169 - 14 Aug, 2020 - 05:35PM

Faced with the very minimal or template ladies profiles that proliferate on here, a guy has little or nothing useful to go on when drafting a personalised first message but if you do message someone with such a profile you might as well just keep it very short and polite in the hope that they at least look at your profile and respond. Dont be despondent if they dont as that seems to be the norm.

A few profiles have, however, been drafted with considerable thought and personality.They shine out like gems and deserve a more considered and thoughtful personal first message which shows that you are actually interested in them as an individual and have specially selected them.

If your profile fits their criteria then you will usually get some sort of response.

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