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Social IE

I never realised how much I craved going out and meeting new people, IE helped me achieve that. Dating again, after years of matrimonial unbliss, has helped me reclaim my social life and made me become a happier person,  made me more spontaneous and frankly, more relaxed. 

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Comments (56)

1303634 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 11:02AM

I agree with everything said here. Meeting new people is always a great thing and if by being here there is an added sense of well-being through the interaction than thats a real bonus

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1242187 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 11:00AM

I love my meets on IE. Even the ones that don’t go anywhere you’ve had a interesting chat and a lovely cup of coffee. Even the very rare awful meet is something to look back and smile about later.

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gemini2310 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 09:55AM

The chatting can be nice I also work 60 hrs a week in a very demanding job so it's nice to escape from everyday lives life I only want one long-term IE friends with a lot on here but my prince has not come along yet but I have not given up yet

RumplesBear - 17 Aug, 2020 - 09:52AM

That's part of the fun, the social chemistry starts coming back. Home life for a lot of people is work, kids, machine like chat, repeat.

While lacking spark, even a "no thanks" was pleasant enough just to meet and chat with someone new.

Radang - 17 Aug, 2020 - 09:31AM

I really enjoy chatting and meeting new people, as a health care worker working 12 hour shifts my life revolves around work and home and very little play, so IE has given me back a little bit of what I need at this time without been to demanding on my time

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1399985 - 17 Aug, 2020 - 09:06AM

I couldn't agree more. I thought that I joined IE mainly for sex but actually going out and meeting new interesting people has been just as rewarding at the other!

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