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...at first sight

Has anyone ever experienced a love-struck romantic attraction for a stranger? Had this feeling for the first time on a meet this week. How do you explain it, Chemistry? Biology? Pheramones? Magic? It's hit me hard whatever it was 😍

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Comments (106)

1117169 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 10:05AM

@anais nin

That's a very negative and generalised statement. There are some really lovely and genuine people on here who are looking for an emotionaly fulfilling and physically satisfying connection with someone who will reciprocate. Denying genuine feelings is just destructive self delusion.

There are risks in letting someone into your emotional life, but we all know that. If you are not prepared to take a risk you should not be on here. There is no such thing as risk free excitement and we are not robots.

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anais nin - 18 Aug, 2020 - 09:47AM

Nip that feeling in the bid immediately......developing deep feelings for anybody you might meet on a site like this is damaging and destructive......my own experience has made me stronger and more emotionally intelligent should I encounter somebody in the future that I find myself falling for.

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1403173 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 09:47AM

Pity this nasty little virus makes it way too soon for you to be doing anything other than just meeting ....or is it ?

1117169 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 09:45AM

It is definitely possible to feel a very strong attraction to someone you have just met and not simply because they are physically attractive, but its not love. That can happen too, but it takes longer snd requires many meetings doing a variety of things, not just having sex. It can happen very quickly if you meet frequently or more gradually and much depends on whether your feelings are reciprocated, and you share experiences, attitudes to life and common interests.

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1386735 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 09:23AM

I would say it was probably post lockdown ‘I’m desperate for a shag’ that you were feeling!
Love-struck romantic attraction...really?
I would suggest you get out more

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Ha1234 - 18 Aug, 2020 - 09:16AM

Nope.... not love..... but yes to instant sexual attraction....... unless you counts love and sexual attraction as one and same thing.

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