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Hot & Cold

My IE goes from hot to cold very quickly - for ages I hear nothing, than weeks of attention. I let it go because we're both married, and we have this intense connection, but the coldness drives me insane. Do I confront him? Or should I play hard to get too?

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Comments (94)

1386735 - 21 Aug, 2020 - 09:20AM


After reading your comment I can see the long line of women...pining and waiting for their IE to have the horny urge and want their attention!😏

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1403173 - 21 Aug, 2020 - 09:12AM

Dont confront him....it will just make him try a bit harder for a while and then get bored . Accept the fact that its different for men..we dont want or need constant connection and verbal cuddling.....he is clearly emotionally detached ( as is correct on here ) and makes the effort when horny .

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1386735 - 21 Aug, 2020 - 09:12AM

Hmm this sounds a typical case of I’m playing this affair by my rules and my terms! If you can play the same game, then do so...but I suspect you can’t due to your post.
I would just move onto the next one.
If he was genuinely that into you, then I would expect a constant level of attention, doesn’t have to be much, but something rather than as and when he can be bothered

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1387952 - 21 Aug, 2020 - 09:07AM

Depends on whether you have an exclusive relationship or not.

If exclusive then I'd drop him - it means he's only getting in touch as he's feeling horny.

If not exclusive then just juggle him with a few others. You chat when you can, meet when you can... But there's no expectation of keeping in touch weekly.

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