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Hot & Cold

My IE goes from hot to cold very quickly - for ages I hear nothing, than weeks of attention. I let it go because we're both married, and we have this intense connection, but the coldness drives me insane. Do I confront him? Or should I play hard to get too?

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Comments (94)

tea_coffee_me_ - 04 Sep, 2020 - 01:29PM

That was something I had to become used to as many I see, work/ed around the world. If they are on the other side of the planet for 6 months ... they have other things to deal with.
I have had more local ones that do that too.

Depends on the relationship, sometimes it is too much hassle and it ends, other times it just works :-)

WaitingtobeFound - 30 Aug, 2020 - 09:54PM

I too have had this problem with mine. Sometimes very intense (annoyingly so) then sometimes cold to the point where I thought I had done something wrong or he was about to finish the affair.

Turns out that after we have been together he suffers from pangs of guilt (should he be doing this at all?) though they don't last long

We have agreed to be less intense in the correspondence and things have evened out, so yes you should try and discuss but also that fact that you are both married means that sometimes he will have commitments other than you which unfortunately for you have to come before the affair.

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anais nin - 30 Aug, 2020 - 09:42PM

Dump him and move on.......

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Tranquila - 30 Aug, 2020 - 08:47PM

Maybe contact him but be your usual, lovely self. Nothing negative, just be friendly but ask him a direct question, where he can't say yes or no.

On the other hand, if he was messaging you every five minutes, it would become dull and boring, which none of us want!

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ClassyLady77 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 09:17PM


If messages stop, then I take that as he’s not interested and move on.... plenty more fish....

he won’t find anyone else like you.. but you will get better......

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1386735 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 06:07PM


You’re welcome. It works for me, so worth a try

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1324449 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 05:15PM

My comment was purely tongue in cheek, but interesting that such a site exits. Might be worth a visit. Thank you.

1117169 - 28 Aug, 2020 - 06:25PM


You didn't mention "Quality" I used it as an example of something that is easy to recognise but difficult to define, as is "Genuine"

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1400319 - 28 Aug, 2020 - 05:36PM

@Sportster1200L I'm not sure I used the term "Quality" in this question? (I can't see my previous response) but if I did it and it was related to a comparison of a fraternity, those that excel or have a level of excellence based on whatever my personal dimensions may be, I would consider being of good quality. It is actually easy to define for one self.

However, defining the aforementioned dimensions for a consensus across this site can be quite difficult as they differ for each person. Does that make sense?

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1400319 - 28 Aug, 2020 - 05:35PM

@Suadela, I mentioned genuine because i took it literally as authentic or sincere but this is a site where the majority are liars and cheats (myself included). I don't believe it is possible to verify someone being genuine based on the opinions of others, for example they could have multiple affairs offline ornery no one would ever know about or simply treat one person differently to the next.

Besides if someone's rating dropped they would just start fresh. I think the rating system would be better served just sticking to things you can actually verify like physical attributes and then letting folk find their own way thereafter.

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