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I need an alibi buddy! Any advice?

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Comments (103)

1386735 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 11:14AM


It’s good to know there’s a fellow IEer who knows how to do properly 😁

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1400267 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 11:02AM

Instead of a buddy, it's better to find other excuses to escape.

Suddenly I've became into window shopping, cycling, running, outdoor yoga, hiking... and basically any activities that my husband is not interested in. Occational work meetings are also unavoidable!

The only thing is that I had to try them for real to be able to talk about them!

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1393321 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 10:58AM

I meet "the girls from work" and my "theatre friends" more often, now that lockdown is easing for garden pizza parties, or games in the park. It's a good alibi because I never talk about the individuals within this groups so names are unknown.

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Curly Wurly - 25 Aug, 2020 - 10:47AM

I generally be honest going into town for a browse, I’m away for a walk..... he doesn’t need to know I’m not alone but it means not having to use other people in the web im spinning

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1242187 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 10:37AM

I’ve used seeing a certain friend on regular occasions. On one occasion when I was supposed to be seeing him he’d posted pics of himself and his wife on Facebook celebrating their anniversary. Luckily my wife never picked up on it. 😬

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1392752 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 10:27AM

My company has offices across the south of the U.K. We’re now being allowed back into them after wfh since March, so my role may require visits to these offices at random times...

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Lovehighheels - 25 Aug, 2020 - 10:03AM


Miss moneypity - 25 Aug, 2020 - 09:57AM

I use old friends that I don't socialise with anymore
But hubby still thinks we are still in touch
But as everyone has said already people should already have planned in advance and have hobbies or activities put in place so they can use that as an excuse for the extra curricular activity
I have a friend who is still waiting for her ie to pull his finger out and meet her
He keeps cancelling last minute and if he does actually meet it will be for an hour at most
It ain't rocket science people!

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1387952 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 09:45AM

@ Suadela2020

I agree. This is something people should already have sorted out in their affairs planning.

But this goes back to what was discussed in another thread; so many like the idea of having an affair but haven't the time or separate lives to really undertake such an activity.

I use ex-colleagues names for sex meets or lunches as I know hubby won't ever be meeting them at my works do.

If I'm just meeting for a coffee I don't say anything. Why would is need to?

1374756 - 25 Aug, 2020 - 09:34AM

I would never go for an alibi buddy as things can change with work colleagues/friends etc and you never know what would happen down the line... some things are best kept to yourself...

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