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Did you get my good side ?

I find it hard to understand why people put such bad out of focus blurry photos on their profiles! Shall we help with some tips for the best selfie?

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Comments (160)

1404215 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 10:04AM

We all have, Facebook, LinkedIn etc, just use pics from there, no excuses people 🙄

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1387952 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:45AM

@ LondonParamour

I know what you mean, but it's not unusual to have fully clothed head and shoulders pic, or even full length pic, on social media. So even if stolen it's not a problem. Gives me a chance to see whether the guy looks like he'll have a heart attack going up some stairs or not. Can also see whether the clothes are from this decade and guage his age better 😂

As for more revealing photos, I keep my face out of those.

Now I'm distracted. Toned and hairy chests 🤤😍

Autumn willow - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:37AM

I always try to help the guys with their pictures and try to give them tips how to get the best out of their IPhone camera
I've seen some absolutely awful pictures in my time on here
Especially guys who take pictures in the urinals or toilet!?
Pictures taken in the bedroom with an open messy wardrobe and unmade beds in the background
The worst one was the dude who had a picture of him and his young daughter and asking for a threesome!!!

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1392198 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:36AM


I get you, however if the photo gets into the wrong hands (e.g. a female friend who knows wife) it can be claimed that someone pinched a face photo from my Facebook profile to make a fake profile.... but my face attached to my toned and hairy chest is altogether another challenge to explain...

1392198 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:32AM

Make it fairly recent!!! Ie in the last decade (even when it's 2020!)

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1387952 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:23AM

The ones that have just their head and crop the body completely out... Hmmm... Me thinks that 'athletic build' is not really there...

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1399985 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:20AM

Don't hold the camera lower than your face tilted upwards. (I know all the women reading this will be like "well yes obviously" but some men still don't seem to know this)

Don't wear sunglasses in every single picture, eyes are the window to the soul.

Get someone who knows how to take a good picture to take one for you, teenage girls are all experts so if you have a daughter get her to take a pic, say it's for your LinkedIn or something.

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1117169 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:14AM

Do you mean the publicly viewable avatars or the password protected pics?

If its the former, the reason is obvious. If its the latter, its obvious too!

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RumplesBear - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:12AM

The fact people think "oh yes, that'll do!", with all the auto correcting AI phone cameras have these days, is boggling.

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freamboat1979 - 08 Sep, 2020 - 09:08AM

From a guys perspective, frankly a blurry picture is better than no picture, just my experience

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