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Did you get my good side ?

I find it hard to understand why people put such bad out of focus blurry photos on their profiles! Shall we help with some tips for the best selfie?

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Comments (160)

1386735 - 19 Oct, 2020 - 02:52PM

Tea coffee me

Haven’t we all honey 😘

tea_coffee_me_ - 19 Oct, 2020 - 11:24AM

Sorry a couple of other names stand out, yours has not.
(Still waiting for a story about an old lady from pecan pie I think.)
Clearly you expected to be remembered, the topics /messages may have jogged the memory.

Now you have made a text song and dance I MAY remember ... menopause allowing!!
I have had rather a lot on this mess of a year, ofqual refusing a child GCSE grades and countless other issues that should NEVER had happened ....

Enjoy :-)

1386735 - 19 Oct, 2020 - 08:22AM

Yea coffee me
Come on we’ve had many an exchange of words on here. Maybe as well as congratulating those going through the menopause we should congratulate those with amnesia! 🤔

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1386735 - 19 Oct, 2020 - 08:17AM

Tea coffee me
Nothing like backtracking dear!!
Oh how this place makes me laugh

tea_coffee_me_ - 18 Oct, 2020 - 09:20PM

" Suadela2020
I’m going through the menopause as well, do you want to congratulate me on being here?!

I have no intention in upsetting her. In fact I think your post is more about trying to get one over me...like you frequently try to do but never quite manage. 😏"

- menopause, if its been hell, then yes, others it is nothing at all.

- 'over on you' I was commenting on ANYONE tracing her in any way, NOTHING to do with you.
- "like you frequently try to do but never quite manage. 😏""
nope sorry lost on me, I respond to messages, I rarely take note of the name of who posts, so nothing about a person in particular.

A few names have stood out, sorry to disappoint, your name is not one of them - enjoy :-)

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1386735 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 10:33AM

Attractive or not, I’m not really bothered.
I always defend myself if I think someone is in the wrong...if that makes me look unattractive. So be it!

1266637 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 10:30AM

I never said anyone did , it just looks like we’re having a go at one another , and it’s not attractive to people , and I fully get the context of not getting a true persons character from flat messages on here , iv upset many people with my humour .

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1386735 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 10:22AM

Butterfly I didn’t start it...
I have no problem with what people think of me, thank you very much. I just like to stick up for myself when someone sticks the knife in and completely misjudges my character.

1266637 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 10:09AM

Now now ladies , having a go at one another on here is not painting your selves in good character , I get the impression your both full of character , and that’s meant as a compliment , so put the keyboard down .

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1386735 - 18 Oct, 2020 - 09:53AM

Tea coffee me

What the heck are you talking about?
She’s used professional business photographs....so yes it’s common sense...if you don’t want people to find out who you are then don’t do it. If you do, then that’s a different matter. From her post, she didn’t so I was offering advice.
There are plenty of people here male or female who just have no common sense when it comes to dating...stating fact there.

I’m going through the menopause as well, do you want to congratulate me on being here?!

I have no intention in upsetting her. In fact I think your post is more about trying to get one over me...like you frequently try to do but never quite manage. 😏

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