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Did you get my good side ?

I find it hard to understand why people put such bad out of focus blurry photos on their profiles! Shall we help with some tips for the best selfie?

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Comments (160)

tea_coffee_me_ - 16 Oct, 2020 - 10:34PM

The Actress
I suggest you don’t use ‘professional’ photos that can be traced to you.
It’s all about common sense really, stay safe!"

From the trying to upset The actress about being on here.... with much respect, considering how menopause and age takes libido and sex life of many women, being able to enjoy all that at the actress maturity - I think many would would say well done!
... and slap down the one trying to put her down!

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1266637 - 16 Oct, 2020 - 05:30PM

Alarm bells ring if I see a set of strategically posed professional shots lighting makeup can make silk purses out of pigs ears , iv also met people who had bad pics , and most didn’t do them justice , and yes some are distant and blurry for a reason , same as escape should be distant and a blurr 😁. I can run in heels one new thing Iv learnt

ExoticOrchid - 15 Oct, 2020 - 05:06PM

Rogpog - 03:09PM

All my photos are selfies taken on my phone with NO filters and not Photoshopped and also recent!!!

The Actress - 15 Oct, 2020 - 04:02PM

@ Suadela2020

Ouch! Talk about shutting the door after...........
Not to worry, it's a "learning curve".....and I learned: fast!
I also learned how to take a decent "selfie"
There are some great videos on You Tube, telling you all the tricks to get a terrific image!

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A Rose by Any Other Name - 15 Oct, 2020 - 03:32PM


You ARE lucky, but I read your profile, IT WAS a-ma-zing! I'm sure that anyone who survived it, was well worth the trouble! (and the fun)
Way back then, I was new to the dating game, It simply did't occur to me, the people would lie! (It WAS a very long time ago0
I very quickly un- learned that idea.

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1408335 - 15 Oct, 2020 - 09:05AM

Believe me I DO get the need for married/attached folks on here to be discreet.
However, as a single person with clear public pics both recent and accurate, face and full length, being unwilling to show what you look like once chatting is simply paranoid in the extreme or you have poor self image. It shoud be plain I am not someone you know or recognise so why keep hiding?. Unless you think I have blagged some strangers pics and am actually your partner doing the detective thing in which case what does it take to actually get honest? Paranoia has to have limits?
The answer I am sad to say is it is a control game. Ergo, not the kind of personality I would wish to meet anyway.
Don't even get me started on worthless auto profiles or multiple free profiles .

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715299 - 15 Oct, 2020 - 07:27AM

Photos always lie, blurry or nor. Additionally they don',t show the amount of polyfilla, discoloured gappy teeth or halitosis.

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1386735 - 15 Oct, 2020 - 07:01AM

The Actress
I suggest you don’t use ‘professional’ photos that can be traced to you.
It’s all about common sense really, stay safe!

1390511 - 14 Oct, 2020 - 11:15PM

I dont get what u gain from doing that....if ur going to potential meet id be gutted if someone thought I'd undersold them....iv had it done to me....ask me about my dwarf meet....in my defence he must have took his pictures in a dolls house...I did put preferred height too 🙈🙈🙈

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tea_coffee_me_ - 14 Oct, 2020 - 10:17PM

"Secondhand Rose -
That happened to me, too!
His photo showed him smiling graciously, in cap and gown, accepting his doctorate.
He turned up with a walking frame, and he actually drooled! (and I'd invited him for the weekend). It was the longest 2 days of my life!"

You planed/spent 2 days with someone you had never met before - wow!

I am lucky all my 'more mature' have not been like that at all

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