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Can you remember a most tender moment?

Can you remember a most tender and simple moment between you and your lover?

Someone once said to me that he loved the way my nose crinkled as I smiled. It was so sweet. I cannot forget that moment.
A memory of a tender moment often lives longer than the affair itself.

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Comments (58)

Classycougar - 25 Jul, 2021 - 09:26PM

I met a former lover on a day i’d had some dreadful news about a friend!
He asked me what was wrong so i told him and started to cry’
He took my face in his hands and wiped my tears away with his thumbs……something my husband would never have done.
I have never forgotten what a special moment it was. 💖

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 25 Jul, 2021 - 08:16PM


That’s a lovely memory. I can imagine the feelings you must have had.

I remember a previous IE. We were waiting to order coffee in Nero’s (or wherever ..), both not speaking, just stood quietly. He turns towards me, I look at him, he smiles and leans in to kiss me. It was a nothing but so spontaneous and so special. I melted, and it’s stuck in my mind ever since.
I think it’s when your IE does something that’s so foreign to your every day behaviour / routine that it takes your breath away. I told him later how lovely it was, and he couldn’t even remember doing it, which kind of made it sweeter!

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shoesies4 - 24 Jul, 2021 - 11:01PM

Our first meeting at a busy bar. I called his name, he turned, smiled and winked at me. I'll never forget it. My legs turned to jelly and I fell for him in that very instant

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1459979 - 10 Jul, 2021 - 10:02AM

The day our body's 1st became one was pure heaven x

Curly_Black_Hair - 01 Jul, 2021 - 01:34PM

It was a hot day, and as we were alone (and amazingly on a bed this time) I asked her to share some cold water with me. She sipped from the bottle and was supposed to kiss it in, but giggling ruined our lock and more giggles were had. A fond one yes.

Sigmaguy - 01 Jul, 2021 - 11:58AM

The first time we told each other to go fuck ourselves and then laughed.

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1455445 - 28 Jun, 2021 - 09:55AM

I suppose my I.e
Messages me every morning good morning.
I miss those messages. And throughout the day. We both have nicknames for each other.
Its the little things that matter. Planning a overnight stay soon. X

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You're on my road - 27 Jun, 2021 - 12:49AM


“Lying in bed after a strenuous session and he uttered those tender words, Maccy Ds or BK?“

So…..what’s your preference - Big Tasty, a Whopper or maybe some Dippers??

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Daremeister - 26 Jun, 2021 - 12:49PM


It was a balmy, starlit, Mediterranean, summer night, scented with what must have been jasmine. The gentlest zephyrs soothed our sunburn through her short summer dress and my chinos and Polo. A drained bottle of Chablis was upturned in the ice bucket and a fillet steak seared over the charcoals. I had just shaken two margaritas, passing hers to her as our fingers lightly touched, electricity passing between them.

She looked at me for a moment, head to one side, a slight frown furrowing her tanned brow, her eyes alive in the moonlight. I'll never forget what she said, as she lowered her voice even though there was nobody else for a hundred yards:

"I hope you're a fucking good runner those Russians have spotted us at their barbeque."

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Chezley - 26 Jun, 2021 - 10:25AM

Usually when my fwb/buddy begins to talk quite uninhibitedly about the most ordinary things. It's in a very trusting way.

I have to say to the perishing wall flowers, don't bother to come in here if you have no real intention to participate. Worth than useless, pointless reading and a total lack of effort.

There is something tender in all things.

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