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Lockdown x2

I've been such a good girl since March, behaving, laying tracks, making
friends and not risking. Today I'm in hampstead with work and Boris made
his speech. Something primal took over, saying I'm not waiting six months
to enjoy the passion and excitement of an older guy.... so I flirted with
the best looking lad in the local pub and took him back to the premier inn.
Am I stupid? Risky? I did vet him first, but I thought no way can I go
another six months xxxx please be frank and honest xx

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Comments (77)

ExoticOrchid - 24 Sep, 2020 - 10:04AM

SWL - 09:48AM

Totally agree with you. 👍

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SheWhoDaresWins - 24 Sep, 2020 - 10:03AM

Without going into too much of a rant, Sweden who never lockdown - has seen a huge decrease in covid cases and the economy hasn't suffered. We are about to embrace a great depression here because of this nonsensical lockdown. More people aren't getting covid - it's just that MORE tests are being done. More people are surviving covid too - because there is better medicine available now, that and perhaps the virus has gotten weaker. Whatever the case MORE people are dying from FLU right now than covid.

Anyway, I've been well behaved too, for the last 6 months, I am completely starved of intimacy, and overworked and BORED to hell of this year.

Have the affair.
Have the fun.
Get out of your shell.

We cannot live under rocks for fear of living.

Just be a bit wise you know? That's all.

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Sep, 2020 - 10:02AM

It is of course YOUR choice but you are asking for our opinion ... mine is that you are just using LD2 as an excuse to yourself for what you did ... to me, it would make sense if you had met up with an IE you have been chatting with, either since LD1 (or even recently) and decided to go for it ... totally understandable ... you have already established some kind of "relationship" ... why not.

You say "I did get him first" ... I mean, really? How? Maybe in normal times, sure, if that's your thing but in today's climate???

Whatever but please don't use Boris as an excuse though! 🙄

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1117169 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 09:50AM

Yes both. You can't possibly " Vet" anyone in such a short meeting and you have no idea what he might have done. Something else does not add up. You say you want an older guy but you picked up a "Lad" in the pub. I think you are making this up.

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SexyWinterLoving! - 24 Sep, 2020 - 09:48AM

I doubt I would pick up a stranger from a bar, I would however go to a hotel with someone I had met on here. We both would know the rules and have a plan in place should we have any 'hiccups' along the way. I know one thing for sure - I am not waiting another 6 months!!

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1322667 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 09:38AM

Irrespective of COVID, picking up strangers in a bar has never appealed to me. Far too many risks, from a health and safety perspective. Not judging anyone elses decisions, but I wouldn't do this, irrespective of the COVID risks.

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1366991 - 24 Sep, 2020 - 09:06AM

Not my place to judge but I wouldn’t do it. From a health and transmission perspective but also how would I explain track and trace contacting me to my husband and kids? Them being affected would stop me. I would have an excuse of being with work colleagues so it may also implicate them.

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