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At what age does a man become a turn off?

Having been on here a couple of weeks I don't seem to get much response.
So I thought there must be a reason. Are my messages rubbish, my
personality not good or is it my age?. I'm a genuine 69 and a half. I have
all my faculties and my libido is sky high!
Any clues Ladies?

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Comments (45)

1471685 - 11 Sep, 2021 - 03:02PM

You think that you have a problem? I’m 70 and have a lot to offer but no takers

kneel4Queen - 03 Dec, 2020 - 10:49AM

hi may i come in ..

hazle-eyes - 03 Dec, 2020 - 10:14AM

I am 51 and have had next to no success on here I think I have been doing everything wrong. My confidence has dipped as I have tried a couple of times on here.

1413266 - 28 Oct, 2020 - 12:31PM

As you say.... manners are learnt. Clearly he missed those lessons or never gets out!!

1396939 - 28 Oct, 2020 - 12:07PM

I'm a 63-year-old male. I suspect that older males are all tarred with the same brush. My current IE put an age limit of 60 but has accepted me and I have had no complaints after over a year. We can easily spend six hours in a hotel room. It helps that I am slim, fit and look after myself. I managed to outperform my daughter - half my age and a gym-attendee - on a recent mountaineering trip. We may also have other attributes - better off and plenty of free time. There is still hope for us oldies.

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TTaylor - 22 Oct, 2020 - 11:49AM

Well I have checked my profile out . I think it is Ok, but still little response.

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1416286 - 15 Oct, 2020 - 04:04PM

I'm 67 male ,my wife has gone of sex ,for 2years now,help

Geranium - 13 Oct, 2020 - 07:32PM

I have noticed that men of 65 plus are often looking for women twenty years younger ; you might say 'of course' that is the age group I find sexy. I am 68 and would prefer somebody around my own age but most of the replies I get, oddly, are from much younger men - even in their twenties which would just be plain weird . These men in their forties and fifties and there are a lot don't seem to find it impossible that older women can be attractive. So maybe you are looking in the wrong age bracket.

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715299 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 10:13PM


1117169 - 11 Oct, 2020 - 07:47AM

I was once asked in a first message " How do I know you are not an axe murderer?" I replied
"How do you know you are not a psychobitch from hell?"

Needless to say that was the end of our chat!

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