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At what age does a man become a turn off?

Having been on here a couple of weeks I don't seem to get much response.
So I thought there must be a reason. Are my messages rubbish, my
personality not good or is it my age?. I'm a genuine 69 and a half. I have
all my faculties and my libido is sky high!
Any clues Ladies?

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Comments (45)

Winterdayz47 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 02:19PM

I think it's pretty much the same as everything in life, just down to preconceptions.
I am guilty of having an upper ceiling to my age range perhaps ignorantly because I have ideas of what an older gentleman can and can't do..

I understand that not all men over 60 need a catnap at 2 in the afternoon and will be exhausted by 20:30. But they're just my considerations..wrong perhaps!

Also theirs the element of respect for ones elders although it doesn't mean that shagging a 50 year old guy gets no respect...

What I am trying to say is that just as people have weight or height or bald or ethnic restrictions ..age is just one to be lumped in.

It's not personal, it's just society agree or disagree?

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Lips Tick - 05 Oct, 2020 - 02:03PM

If you’ve put 69 in your username (genuine age or not) you’ll probably substantially reduce your response rate.

Difficult to comment on anything else without seeing your profile or messages.

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Raisondetre - 05 Oct, 2020 - 12:09PM

Lucky you!

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1117169 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 10:47AM

I'm not a lady either.

Its about your physical condition and mental attitude rather than age as such although you have to be realistic about the ages of ladies who you will attract.

if you are fit and toned for your age, have a twinkle in your eye, an adventurous outlook on life befitting someone much younger, depth and breadth to your interests a colourful past and spark to your conversation you might attract much younger broad minded women who appreciate the special qualities of an older man.

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Trwela - 05 Oct, 2020 - 09:27AM

I'm not a lady.

Without seeing your profile it is difficulty for me to comment. The hints given by IE are pretty good so have a read through them and see if they help. You may need to particularly look at the positives as we are all here for a reason and we all have a past which needs to stay there at this stage. Perhaps something to talk about when you have found someone who you trust and they also want to share.

It's also a good idea to do a bespoke profile. The IE key words etc is good to get you going but not what people want to read. They want to know you, why are you on here. Be honest. If it's for a friend with benefits say that. It's being honest and not hurtful. Some people don't want a relationship but want someone they can talk to and perhaps spend the odd night. Don't be scared in trying to be correct.

There are all sorts of people on here you have to find each other and you will.

I hope that helps?

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