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At what age does a man become a turn off?

Having been on here a couple of weeks I don't seem to get much response.
So I thought there must be a reason. Are my messages rubbish, my
personality not good or is it my age?. I'm a genuine 69 and a half. I have
all my faculties and my libido is sky high!
Any clues Ladies?

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Comments (45)

1398676 - 06 Oct, 2020 - 11:07AM

I look far too young for my age, there are men over 50s of age still making demands like they were 20 years old boys. I want this and that.... Then there are those that states "I have done it before.." Then why are you back? Do you want us ladies to give you a medal for your achievements? It's a total put off..

My advice is women is not to feel sorry for any man. If you put unrealistic demands, we will add you to our "block" list. Ladies, be choosy and fussy, it's the only way men will level up and level down.

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gemini2310 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 09:31PM


Totally agree be clear in your profile what you want I'm very petite size 10-12 and I only like a guy of small medium build but must be tall so to the gent who wrote this on here always write in your profile what you are looking for there are all ages on here hope you find the right on on here

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tea_coffee_me_ - 05 Oct, 2020 - 08:35PM

Firstly 'a couple of weeks'
Some people find the right one is days for others it can take a lot longer...

Some people age well, others had a hard paper round and time down the mines!

As others have said your profile is important and you need a 'twinkle in your eye' look and via the words...

I personally do not have an age limit, and I have IE's of your age, lots of fun :-)

Patience! Finding the right IE can be difficult ... personally I have had no luck this year with everything the way it is :-(

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DorsetLass89 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 07:58PM

I’m in my early 30’s. I have a note on my profile regarding my age limit. It’s nothing personal, but for me I can’t think of someone older than my dad in a sexual way.

My best advice is that if you believe age to be the thing holding you back, check the person’s age range in their profile before messaging to save wasting your time.

I’m a chunky girl so I won’t message men who write that they would like to meet a slim lady - same principal really, it’s not personal, everyone has a preference / ideal.

There will be someone out there for you so stick at it!

Best of luck 🙂

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Classycougar - 05 Oct, 2020 - 07:58PM

If the author of this question is the guy from Essex who viewed my profile today..... i think yr profile might benefit from an edit!!
Message me if you need some help with it!!!

Classycougar - 05 Oct, 2020 - 06:47PM

What age do your friends/family say you look/act..... maybe go by their opinions ( but obviously don’t reveal why you want to know!) 🤣🤣

gemini2310 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 06:27PM

Just stay with it I'm sure you will get messages it will take time to find the right one some will disappear after a few messages but don't give up

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Jennyfromthebloc - 05 Oct, 2020 - 03:30PM

lol @wildandfree - I agree with you.

I wouldn't say no to a piece of Robert de niro

Wild & Free - 05 Oct, 2020 - 03:27PM

Age is notttthing but a number! I know men in their 40s who have unattractive personalities/looks, and men in their 70s who are fit, fun, with great personalities.

Morgan freeman is 83 - and I definitely would :'D

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1411583 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 03:02PM

I'm not a lady.

As others have said without seeing your profile or messages it's hard to say. To add to the other comments you also don't say the age range of the woman you are messaging. As a 46 year old, I would not spend my time messaging people far younger than me, as I accept that they will not usually be looking for someone my age. Conversely I have a female friend of my age who has no difficulty attracting men in their 20's via another dating app, which is her preference. It may not seem fair, but it is just the way it is. So it might be worth considering if you are fishing in the right pool.

But stick at it, hopefully you will find your match, good luck.

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