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At what age does a man become a turn off?

Having been on here a couple of weeks I don't seem to get much response.
So I thought there must be a reason. Are my messages rubbish, my
personality not good or is it my age?. I'm a genuine 69 and a half. I have
all my faculties and my libido is sky high!
Any clues Ladies?

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Comments (45)

1405994 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 09:28PM

Age means experience lol!

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1386735 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 07:04PM


THAT in capital letters, why so?
It definitely happens and yes I’ve built up a relationship with some before meets...it happens end of

1382700 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 11:03AM

It’s none of the above. Just have a thick skin and work on a percentage of 1

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Kismet - 07 Oct, 2020 - 09:02AM

@suadela2020, never experienced anything remotely like THAT on here. I think this is why it's important to build a relationship before a first meet.. and keep home life conversations to a minimum.

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Kismet - 07 Oct, 2020 - 09:00AM

Men never become a turn off, so long as there is chemistry there. For me it's all about personality, a positive outlook, respect. Oh, and I am a sucker for someone with a great sense of humour. :P

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1386735 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 07:18AM

Not sure it’s an age thing tbh. There are some miserable men on here...giving it the marriage is awful, complaining about their other half all the time, asking if they can just meet me for an coffee but could they have a kiss and a group in the car. Seriously guys that sort of thin is a complete turn off for me. If you truly are a man, then pull up your big boy pants, puff up your chest and be a man. 🤗
Age has nothing to do with it imo

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tea_coffee_me_ - 07 Oct, 2020 - 03:55AM

"Saribelle - 06 Oct, 2020 - 11:07AM
Then there are those that states "I have done it before.." Then why are you back? Do you want us ladies to give you a medal for your achievements? It's a total put off."

... because the relationship ended!!
Some IE's last months others years, however EVERY relationship ends!

Some people do have a preference for those who have had a successful relationship before and avoid those to whom this is new to.

Just as some only wish to see another married person and others those who prefer those are not married.

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Cancer - 06 Oct, 2020 - 11:34PM

It’s not necessarily the age, it’s about the person. Keep looking 💖

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Roger1999 - 06 Oct, 2020 - 11:50AM

Im sure ive said elsewhere....people are fussy and some have a very narrow range of criteria that they refuse to deviate from.

I personally don't have a type per say and find I'm attracted to all sorts of women.
However, it does help if they are a tv news presenter 🤣🤣

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1117169 - 06 Oct, 2020 - 11:39AM


The hypocrisy and irony of you criticising men for being too demanding whilst doing the same thing yourself and exhorting other women to do likewise will not be lost on most men on here.

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