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IE has made me a lot more body positive

The lack of intimacy and affection at home made me begin to believe that I was no longer attractive - how very wrong I was. It has been life changing reclaiming my sexual sovereignty and the power and energy that comes with it. Can anyone else relate?

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Comments (90)

1424835 - 12 Jan, 2021 - 11:02AM

I understand the point being made - for me it’s less to do with body positivity per se and more that years of a slow loss of spark as a result of the natural changes in a relationship and the bumps of life I think I had forgotten how to be attractive and - in a way - sexual. This site has reminded me, and that is liberating.

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Spicyone - 12 Jan, 2021 - 10:55AM

I can relate to it entirely

Eejit69 - 12 Jan, 2021 - 10:25AM

Only an opinion, but many of us only see our flaws and the points that we dislike are amplified in our own minds. This can be increased by a lack of positive feeling from our significant others and friends etc, not to mention the stereotype beauties seen in the media. But it just ain't true, everyone is attractive for some reasons and to some people.

Having been here briefly twice before, I'm amazed by the wonderful women I've chatted with who are feeling unloved or unattractive. Granted we're all here doing a bit of self promotion (and why not?) but whilst we can't all compete with the contestants on Love Island (or any other cringe show) we've all got something to be proud of. And not all men are only interested in tall, blonde, size 10 dolls (sorry, can't speak for the female side).

Despite the dubious morality of being here, one of the virtues is there's likely going to be someone who fancies you and will let you know.

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Smooth Ronno - 28 Nov, 2020 - 01:54PM

I agree I think it has improved my body confidence. You are likely to get some rejection on here but overall I think it has definetely improved it overall :-)

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Stevie h - 24 Nov, 2020 - 01:45PM

I’d love to find that

Beembuck - 19 Nov, 2020 - 11:03AM

Attraction comes in many forms, confidence, looks, attitude, manners ....
It all about that magic spark and I don't think there is a formula for that. If it's there its there and great things happen and you feel great. Unfortunately after a while, that spark need nurturing to keep it a light.

Dazza98 - 17 Nov, 2020 - 08:39PM

People just fall out of affection with one another its not that the person don't like you or want you sexually

TTaylor - 17 Nov, 2020 - 05:26PM

Thanks Wild and Free.

It seems like an age since I joined, I became Gold 4 months ago.
I wouldn't mind so much but I have sent messages to lots of members. Always giving compliments, being polite and chatty, never rude or cocky. But do they have the decency to reply? No! So why bother?

I don't expect instant success but , I think there must be one or two who have manners. A lot of members say they want to meet kind gentleman, yet they have no manners.

Sorry grouse over.


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Wild & Free - 17 Nov, 2020 - 09:43AM


I'm sure that's not true lol, patience.

You can't create a connection overnight, it takes time

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TTaylor - 17 Nov, 2020 - 09:39AM

IE is not working for me. I feel that nobody wants me .

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